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In our constitution, the new administration always begins at 12pm ET on January 20 (or 21st if the 20th falls on a Sunday), regardless of the time of the swearing in. Midterm Too Close To Call Elections , 2012 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2010 U.S. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. 444 correct. The film can only be shown to groups with a discussion afterwards. Amazingly, many medical doctors are taking my medical astrology courses. It is about big corporations controlling politics and the politicians. Found it very interesting & exciting..gaining more knowledge lifts the intimidation factor. About 10 years ago, I learned that nurses in Baltimores Shock-Trauma Unit could spot when someone was having a near-death experience. These souls are already here, capable of vibrating to the new energies, and incoming souls will be imprinted with new consciousness. Winning Chances Of Archana Gautam As Congress Candidate In UP Election 2022. Going back in time when Neptune was in Capricorn, President Reagan was very nave about big business. In 2012, the passing of a fellow astrologer who could no longer see a light at the end of her tunnel Solar Arc Eris crossed her Ascendant, triggering her death. In 2010, my research was based upon the transit of Uranus over Eris in the natal chart. You will not miss this shift you will FEEL IT! Midterm Election, as well as predictions for the outcome of the Closely Contested Governor, District and State Elections for House and Senate seats from: Each horary question will be focused on a specific race, as well as control of the Senate and House of Representatives. Pluto will be in Aquarius near the Sun in the inauguration of 2025 and 2029. When 9/11 occurred, he withdrew this article because the Saturn/Pluto opposition lined up perfectly with the Sagittarius chart. In the 1980s, with the delusions about the economy, small farms were going out of business and the sweeping deregulations generated problems that we are confronting with Pluto in Capricorn. Asteroid Nancy at 22 Leo opposed Saturn at 18 Aquarius and Damocles at 25 Aquarius, T-Squared the Venus/Washingtonia conjunction at 20 Scorpio, also suggests a possible doom hanging overhead (Damocles) for Nancy Pelosi (Nancy), as the most powerful woman (Venus) in DC (Washingtonia), who may find herself limited or restricted in some way (Saturn), reinforcing the sense that McCarthy will indeed get her job. Be at ease, Cayce said that Los Angeles and San Francisco would be gone long before New York City, especially Manhattan Island. So, they look for a Savior or an ideology which gives back to them some kind of feeling of self-worth and support (such as groups like the Proud Boys who previously felt alienated. Yes, some work very well, such as Chiron. NEPTUNE IN PISCES: Summer 2011 through January 2026, There may be earth disasters due to imbalances on the planet a dramatic, natural disaster followed by outpouring of compassion.[1]. Only the advertisers and political consultants use it for their selfish ends. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to William Stickevers and www.williamstickevers.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Yet, many will not do this since they refuse to fact-check because it is something that they want to believe. We are now confronting the Shadow energies of Pluto will we transform or choose a most difficult path of avoidance of the Shadow? As the planet that represents structure, systems, and our sense of time, Saturns retrograde invites us to reconsider our routines. In 1984, I predicted that the Sagittarius cycle would knock the hat off the Pope. I have observed that any outer planet transiting Sagittarius will produce scandals and the Catholic Church was the first to take the hit. Conclusion. Those who work on the dark side will be brought to light. Current Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnels prospects for regaining power in the upper chamber look good, with asteroid McConnell at 29 Cancer opposing Pluto/Nike at 26 and 27 Cap, and like McCarthy, potentially capitalizing on the positive impact of the T-Square with Fortuna, and that wide Grand Cross with Victoria. This alignment is strongly connected to the U.S. chart. We can witness a re-emergence of old problems and even an uprise of new ones," Borsch added. The next clean-up on Earth will be by Fire radiation from Pole Shift magnetic storm and Van Allen Belt will break down. Her quote from the article. Interesting, the Democrats are talking about the danger of losing Democracy, which would be a manifestation of Demokritos, Grieve, America & NOT. Then, with Trump, fascism, white supremacy and ruling by the super rich is the new Republican philosophy. Find ways to protect yourself, to tune out or block the negative energies. I have also observed that interests begun in one cycle will return and become integrated into your consciousness in a future cycle. We got a Polish Pope, an actor President, and a very modern Russian president in Gorbachov who set the stage for the changes that culminated in 1989. That means there will be more important debates around a governments power to impose restrictions upon its people, as well as where freedom and liberty lie. Dis-information is a step in the direction of dismantling Democracies around the world. Were already marching toward Gilead. Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now. It should be noted that astrology does not run on a calendar year cycles begin with an outer planet enters a new sign. If you want to study business and management in the United States, read on for an overview of the top 10 business schools in the US. Let's see what they are. I do not do this but I have another personal technique that I learned from another book by Andre Barbault. The transits involve a process of adapting to challenges in our lives. In hisCrypto Astrology Group (CAG) membership, members attend twice monthly webinars and have a resource library to give members a high-level perspective on Bitcoin, DeFi, and the Crypto Ecosystem without the hype, euphoria, FOMO, and fear that is often found in other non-astrological crypto groups. The question is whether the world will be free of the novel virus or not, and the answer is yes. For the Biden inauguration, Jupiter is once again in Aquarius. The key to maximizing this energy is to make a vision board and then create a long-term strategy to strike out and make it all happen! With collective media participation, Jeanne Mozier reminds us that, just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you have something worthwhile to say. Michael Munkasey uses a Virgo ASC and he swears by this. During this transit, you might not be able to get a concrete sense of what you want, but if you can dream it, you can make it happen. When it comes to key themes and overall mood in 2022, well be feeling more connected to ourselves and each other. The eclipses well be experiencing in 2022 fall on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. William Stickevers, 2009-2022. Find your Safe Place where you feel grounded. This was an interpretation of the alignment and transits in Earth signs, Earth sign impacting the physical with our bodies, with our economy and with the planet. Historically, Uranus in Gemini portends a great battle for the principles of democracy the American and French Revolutions, the American Civil War and WWII. I am sure vaccination will have a huge role to play in bringing us out of these challenges, he said. . While much of 2022s astrology signifies change on the global stage, this years eclipses are in the signs of Scorpio and Taurusthis is where things start to get personal. This transit will bring radically new ways that we can solve problems of everyday life. It's hard to make a list of languages that are hard to learn for everyone. Mars enters Aquarius (March 6)/Venus enters Aquarius (March 6). You hear these types on radio and television all the time. Gambling, weapons, military, meat, metal, cars, self-help industries and thrill-seeking experiences will also do quite well. According to him, there is a chance of yet another wave in India and US during Dec 2021-Feb 2022. This entire article is curated for the budding and experienced politicians to make them aware of political astrology. When Jupiter is in Pisces, well feel that life is more harmonious, creative, spiritual and romantic. NOTE FROM LYNN: A few years ago, I attended the showing of a Nazi propaganda film about the Jewish population. IF one is old enough, you would know that the Democratic Party is the oldest Party (Saturn) and, until recent times, it was ultra conservative and a white supremist party, especially in the South. This could not only be person to person but nation to nation, as well. I find that, when an outer planet reaches the area around 15 degrees, we start to notice how that planet is affecting us. It is not possible to know if he spoke of covid-19 or another disease, because as Baba Vanga said: Even those who escape (from natural disasters) will die of a horrible disease. If it is not the coronavirus, it could be the new virus that could devastate the planet or the new pandemic that Bill Gates refers to. Baba Vanga is widely considered as the "Balkan Nostradamus" of the world thanks to her surprising ability to predict the future. The Berlin War fell after a Saturn Cycle and communism lost its grip upon its satellite nations. So, I now know to voice truth when people are falsely critical of others. Uddhav Thackeray Shivsena Astrology: , . This page lists the predictions for the party to control the Senate and House after the 2022 U.S. During the Great Depression and WWII, we had polio. Somewhat more normal than the past few months and years. US is home to a large number of top universities in the world. In my journal I wrote: The Sun-Jupiter conjunction at 3 Virgo on August 26 was conjunct my ASC/Sun and I really felt it like someone turned a switch on and I have energy and optimism again. We are now in the final phase of a cycle that began in 1862. Revolutions will occur to restructure these. We were in a mini-Ice Age, due to the Maunder Minimum (almost no sunspots). This Pluto transit makes me believe that the collective isnt ripe for democracy at all. I will give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term election in April 2022. For the Democrats who, as the Party holding the presidency, historically will lose seats in the Midterm, we have asteroid Demokritos, a nice, straightforward celestial referent. Baba Varga was clear that on a political level, this was going to be a turbulent year. Souls who are in tune will be elevated. What Baba Vanga Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, Top 8 Nostradamus Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, What is Baba Vanga Predictions 2021 and Fact-Check, Nostradamus' prophecies: Top 9 Shocking Predictions for 2021 and Fact-Check, World Cup Prediction: Super Animals Predict Argentina Will Beat Saudi Arabia. Neptune was last in Pisces from 1848 through 1862. Terrorist groups are creating refugees in the Middle East. We all became aware of the compassion and charity that manifested around the holidays when strangers paid for Lay-Away gifts and it soon burst into a wave of charity. Previous rating: Toss-Up. It is interesting that the current pandemic, because it is global, works best with the Sibley chart. The earthquake would therefore occur in the middle of the day. I have observed that, the problems generated when Neptune is in a sign, cause problems when they are illuminated as Pluto enters that sign. More information onConsultationsandForecast Webinarsare at his websitewww.williamstickevers.com. I remember being in this place back in the 1970s when I first joined an ARE study group. Dont sign contracts, launch plans or agree to anything that you want to last during these periods! Midterm Too Close To Call Elections , 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary Elections , 2014 U.S. Mars retrograde is more uncommon than some other planets (it happens about once every 2 years), which gives it a particularly powerful punch. This comes from the Neptune in Capricorn Cycle with Greed is Good.. In 1934, Big Business, resentful of Roosevelts financial demands, made an intense effort to overthrow FDR and establish a Fascist State in America. Looking ahead, Neptune in Aquarius dissolved boundaries of communication with a new type of subversive activity occurring, ignoring the laws, via the internet. If these people can do the right thing when they could lose their lives, I can do it too. The obstacles are still the old, crystallized forms governments, institutions and corporations but these will crumble down to their molecular level. Your email address will not be published. It is our job, not to proselytize, but to demonstrate through example and right-living ourselves. A relatively minor offshore earthquake of magnitude 4.5 or above could cause submarine avalanches that then generate tsunami events with waves higher than 26 feet (8 meters). However, Covid-19 in its different/mutated forms is expected to remain in existence till 2029, though its impact will not continue to be as severe. NOTE: This is what Theosophists call the First Initiation but the warning is to stay away from gurus!! Jupiter and Neptune will dominate this period. These obstacles will arise through the fears associated with transformations. Of course Saturn & Uranus are the battle between the established old ways & the new & revolutionary, which sums up the battle perfectly with Saturn representing Conservatives & Uranus the progressives. I felt that this was a time when new Souls and a Soul Group began incarnating to bring a stabilizing energy to a planet already in crises (Cardinal signs). The Northern and Southern Lights (aurora) are the result of radiation moving to the Poles. He felt that what was good for the big corporations will be good for America and Americans. Others, like these terrorists, will go to Saturn. Record of the Previous House Projections here, as of November 8, 2022 The 2016, 2018, and 2020 election predictions were done with a team of political contest horary astrologers, led by William Stickevers. Early in my career, I observed that people born with Saturn in Aquarius were very rebellious of authority. METAPHYSICAL NEWS The New Humanity Coming: It is here already because it started in 1988-1993 with the Mutation in Consciousness. It is essential that we develop an internal check about this new reality. With Sun/Mercury at 16 Scorpio sesquiquadrate Jupiter at 29 Pisces, turnout is likely to be large, much more than a typical Midterm, and that could help Democrats hang on to power. The Moon/Uranus conjunction on the other end of the polarity at 16 Taurus indicates a public (Moon) which is unruly, agitated, restless and spoiling for a fight (Uranus). Our Consciousness needs to resonate to the energies of the new Object. The next time Saturn was in Aquarius was in the early 1960s and it was quincunx Uranus in Virgo minor aspects do work with outer planet transits. It seems illogical to apply Nemesis potentially dire, ruinous effects as regards Roe v Wade to Democrats if anything, national ire about the controversial decision should invigorate their base and boost their turnout. Again, this seems to indicate Republicans who supported the voiding of the precedent case which has guaranteed female reproductive freedom for almost half a century. These are what I term the New Seekers. He sees Americans having to fight for independence once again as a result of Pluto transiting Capricorn. What Did Vanga and Nostradamus Predict About King Charles III? This Institutional Crisis occurred early in the Capricorn Cycle, more noticeably from 2012-2014 with the Uranus-Pluto square that creates a massive fiscal crisis. This is all going down in the sign of Gemini, so mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will experience the most chaos this retrograde, while air signs Libra and Aquarius will have a much smoother experience. The Classical Rulerships of the two parties is that the Democratic Party is ruled by Saturn and the Republican Party is ruled by Jupiter. Record of the Previous Senate Projections here. Such a conflict could occur because of a shortage of resources in one country, which would then attack a neighboring country to obtain means of subsistence. Interestingly, both Canada and Mexico are Cancer countries and they are our near neighbors. Since investing in OneGold Crypto my portfolio has more than tripled since last June. Finally, Mercury goes retrograde one last time on December 29th, closing out the year with one last whisper of confusion to make its presence felt. Like the alcoholic who attends an AA meeting and says: I want what you have.. According to the stars, the coming year can be divided into two distinct periods: a very favorable time during the first half of the year, and trouble during the second half. In Dell HOROSCOPE many years ago, Bill Meridian (my favorite financial and mundane astrologer) quoted Charles Jayne who, in the 1940s, stated that the transits of Pluto always represent shifts in power. Just like thatwere already preparing to welcome in 2022! 2022 will bring you a surge of entrepreneurship and a greater focus on leadership Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022.. Most years we have an average number of retrogrades with just a few periods that cause us to slow down and reflect. Midterm and Presidential Elections are well documented on his blog. The great nation on the ocean, which is inhabited by people of different tribes, will be destroyed. Fiscal irresponsibility led to the U.S. to become a Debtor Nation for the first time since 1914! At 15 degrees, it is the most clear, The Pandemic we are experiencing with the Capricorn Stellium will create a shift in our consciousness and our behavior. Join. A trends forecaster, Williams annualglobal forecastsare backed by a deep study of economies, geopolitics, archetypal cosmology, and modern astrological forecasting techniques. Many people are curious about Nostradamus Predictions for 2021. Stores now carry many choices in organic foods, even Aldi, the German box store. Check out Top 20 Best Public High Schools 2023 In The US. Saturn will be aspecting Mars and Rahu with a complete aspect. In conclusion, as I have stated previously, the well-known Jungian astrologer, Alice Howell, said that, whenever society becomes irreconcilably polarized, this means that a New Era is about to begin. Dont forget about this asteroid. Thanks for contacting us. In an Earth sign, there are physical manifestations a destructive earthquake in Turkey and the increase of terrorism, leading us into an unending war in the Middle East. Republican John Duarte has inched in front of moderate Democrat Adam Gray, despite the fact this Central Valley district went for President Joe Biden by 11 points in 2020 . In my studies in Theosophy, I observed that Esoteric Gemini rules the concept and Principles of Democracy that all people have the education, the freedom and the accurate information by which they can make accurate decisions for themselves. The so-called swarm intelligence is still wanting to follow the most talented Pied Piper. Smaller European countries are very dependent upon corporations setting up factories in their countries, providing jobs for the populations. Moreover, Saturn will be transiting just opposite the planets sun & Saturn. As the last outer planet, Neptune, changed signs, many things that we know now will disappear, never to be seen again. This could be the fire. This form of terrorism is here now with hackers in Russia blackmailing corporations by locking down their computer systems. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are thousands of languages spoken in the world. The astrology prediction for the Midterms 2022 shows a split. I guess we need a miracle to save our democracy. They are now turning 18-24 and going out into the world. Lots of prestigious high schools in the US have high tuition fees. I have always said that, through the discriminating qualities of Transpluto, the new medicine would manifest through the awareness of Light, judging light in terms of brilliance and intensity in healing. Become a Debtor nation for the next clean-up on Earth will be aspecting mars and Rahu with a discussion.! The dark side will be free of the day is the new energies, and website in this browser the! Give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term Election in April 2022 political astrology predictions 2022 for the Biden,! Aware of political astrology something that they want to believe essential that we can a... Can only be shown to groups with a complete aspect and 2029 last June most talented Pied.... 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political astrology predictions 2022