cloud metaphor examplesjalan pasar, pudu kedai elektronik

Writers can use them to create figurative language that draws a picture in the readers mind. Thanks for dropping by. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Benjamin Franklin But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. A talk about this idea, "A cloud never dies", can be found in this video where he cheekily mentions we . 1. The main idea of the poem is that the real experience with nature fills a persons heart with happiness and brings wisdom. Youll notice that there are many sky metaphors that imply that its a cloak, blanket or cover up above us almost as if (if you flew high enough) youd hit some sort of a ceiling. And why has it stuck? The flowers were dancing in the morning breeze. The metaphor appeals to our inclination to anthropomorphize tech. But cloud is no longer just an image at the center of internet drawings. For example, returning to some of the examples mentioned earlier, a hunk of metal in space is not a library, and a huge, privately owned technical system is not a fluffy cloud. The toy Woody from Toy Story famously says: reach for the skies! when you pull the string on his back. Excuse me while I Kiss the Sky 10. She believes all of us have a spark inside that, when lit, can put on a show like the Fourth of July. Another time you might use this metaphor is when theres a wildfire raging through the landscape. Now, I am a Joni Mitchell fan, but her use of the cloud metaphor takes the cloud thing too far, to sappiness and beyond. Clouds get traction as a metaphor because they are shape-shifters, literally. His novel, Shephard's Drone, will be out on February 3, 2019. A cloud. Metaphor. : A Consideration of the Superior and Inferior Arguments. The Cloud is a Marshmallow in the Sky. The poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth shows the poet presenting his experience of looking at the daffodil flowers and experiencing a state of trance in the future with their memory. Frankly, only with a more nuanced understanding of these services can we evaluate what it means to outsource memory to third-parties and question who is doing what thinking, who gains what power, and how such outsourcing may affect our. The cloud image served as an epistemological black box within which complexity was dumped and hidden. In a moments time, I learned Clare knew how to drive, and I mean really drive. The clouds are balls of cotton. Its a strange feeling to have not done any exercise, but still feel out of breath. Bob Dylan A good conscience is a continual Christmas. Here are 101 examples of onomatopoeia : The sheep went, " Baa .". This saying can be used as a metaphor to explain a moment in which bad times came to an end finally! John F. Kennedy Chaos is a friend of mine. He sees that the flowers have sparkled more and have won the competition against the sparkling waves. F. Scott Fitzgerald is remarking on the affluents inability to understand the plight of the poor, because theyre so far removed. Where did this name come from? As we collectively race down the path toward supposedly smart techno-social systems that efficiently govern more and more of our lives, we risk outsourcing too much of what matters about being human and becoming increasingly predictable, and worse, programmable, like mere cogs in a machine. Extended metaphors take on . It is floating in the air. The lightning was fireworks in the sky. We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. Insert supposedly in front of smart whenever the word is used. The cloud over your head metaphor is similar to the stalker metaphor. I feel like no matter which decision I make, it might cause problems. This stanza shows that natural beauty brings everlasting happiness, which is the partial theme of the main idea of the poem. This pillow concept refers back, again, to the association we have between clouds and sleep. In our digital, networked world, metaphors that become memes (such as "cloud" computing, "smart" tech and the "Internet of Things") can be powerful tools for techno-social engineering humans . This is a valley of ashes - a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of ash-grey men, who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air. 2023 Cond Nast. What Betty wanted to transmit with this comparison is the idea that she felt excited when she was near him, excited as a man feels when facing something dangerous right in front of him. Dark clouds on the horizon something bad is coming. In it, we see an extended metaphor, illustrating his lack of college education, but his abundance of life knowledge, much of which seems to come from a plethora of street brawls. They obscure more than they reveal and generate power by distorting conversations, expectations and understanding of the relationships between technology and humanity. The following metaphors and similes describe the shape and features of clouds. Your heart rate becomes uncontrollable. Alliteration. I had office hours with the Dean of Bloody Noses. This is a powerful way to attract investors, sell products, and smooth the path for rapid technological adoption. All you need to do is replace "cloud" with on someone else's computer. To see the difference, stop and think about why, for example, storing all of your memories captured in photos, messages or other data more generally on someone elses computer might matter. The sexual experiences the characters have are thus presented here as a metaphor for release, the characters engaging in sexual activities as a way to make sense of the world around them and find some freedom. An editor There are many war metaphors in our language for whenever people go through struggle in their personal lives. One might roll over another, or two might merge to form one. Extended metaphors take on a whole new level of charm. Similarly, you might look up at an airplane or hot air balloon and imagine that theyre floating in the air, as if its a great big ocean. ), and who else can obtain access to them. Its the first sign that a storm has ended and happier days are coming. During a conversation between Clive and Harry the latter tells Clive he sees his family as being akin to the British Empire. Soaring up there in the air, he imagines that he can kiss the sky because hes so high. Unlike other celestial metaphors -- the sun, moon, stars -- clouds have varying qualities depending on the day, and their range of appearances make them useful metaphors for a range of qualities. As an Amazon Associate I Earn from Qualifying Purchases. Not affiliated with Harvard College. "The car grumbled.". Metaphors make comparisons between two or more things with colorful illustrations. I think this one works on two levels: first, because when something comes to a stop we say it rests. I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high oer vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazedand gazedbut little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couchI lie In vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils. Metaphors make comparisons between two or more things with colorful illustrations. Its about a chicken who thinks the sky is literally falling. thissection. Some metaphors that describe my experiences with anxiety are: Below is the full list of anxiety idioms, similes and metaphors with explanations of each. When we say sleeping on clouds, we mean to say we had a lovely sleep. The Earth's "Roof" or "Lid" Sky Idioms 7. But every fiber of your being is making you want to splash your arms around wildly. To think about the digital network, Hu writes, one must first think about the network in the absence of individual technologies. Innovations and platforms come and go, but the impressions they leave on our sense of the world remain. Thanks for dropping by. But as a kid at school, our teacher asked us to talk about what this idiom really means. Harry admits he feels isolated because he has no family and no place to go and return. But, she doesnt stop there. When Im having an anxiety attack, I feel like I want to escape my situation by any means necessary. Its crippling you! Various networks interconnected to exchange and route traffic, but for most people, most of the time, those details didnt matter and, besides, were too complicated to explain. For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils. The poet compares the daffodils with stars and states that they continue to shine as if stars in a milky way. Here are 10 common figures of speech and some examples of the same figurative language in use: Simile. Clouds look soft and fluffy from all the way down on earth. Daryl G. Kimball and Frank von Hippel | Opinion. You might go days without smiling. They have their exits and their entrances. So, the message from this saying is that you shouldnt give it your energy. Understanding that history matters, if only to recognize where our attitudes and expectations toward technology came from, and how we came to accept the silent bargain each of us makes when we tap into the power of distant servers or escrow our digital lives somewhere in the sky. And I feel I want to escape this situation where I feel I have no control over my own body. The stress and anxiety is sitting there on your chest and youre trying to push it back. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating In our sample above, we considered an extended metaphor thats mentioned at the start of one paragraph and mentioned again later in that paragraph, or later in the text, perhaps several chapters later. When the winds stop and the clouds stop in the sky, we could say they came to rest. Do you know that theres still a chance for you? He mustve been nearing the end of an escapade, as he was alluding to ring 299/300. 1. All rights reserved. literary devices are used to bring richness and clarity to the texts. In his 2004 novel Cloud Atlas, Mitchell's character in the far-distant post-apocalyptic future says, "Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies, an' tho' a cloud's shape nor hue nor size don't stay the same, it's still a cloud an' so is a soul. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. An example of a metaphor is William Wordsworth's phrase ''I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.'' The poet compares himself to a cloud in the sky that cannot possibly have a human relationship. The valley of ashes is bounded on one side by a small foul river, and, when the drawbridge is up to let barges through, the passengers on waiting trains can stare at the dismal scene for as long as half an hour. Clouds can stand for different incarnations of a soul, and they can stand for the quality of change itself. Fat Lip Thon Nyun. In a sense, weve come to our nations capital to cash a check. For example, the title and initial line of the poem is a simile, using the word "as" to compare . From STS we have learned to pay attention not only to the political dimensions of metaphors but also to the material dimensions. This saying is to say that there is good to be seen even terrible situations. They use metaphors, similes, puns, and more with rare talent. So this could be considered a special type of metaphor called personification. We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. Like the inaudible hum of the electrical grid at 60 hertz, the cloud is silent, in the background, and almost unnoticeable. What might we learn if we try to trace its mellow outline against the sky? Where did the people go? When Strepsiades described the people who joined Socratess movement and who believed in his teachings, they are compared with ferocious birds of prey, coming from the sky, unnoticed by no one until it is too late. By the nineteen-seventies, the figure of the cloud had emerged as a way to depict complex communication networks, especially ones, like the telephone or Internet, where information traveled along unpredictable circuits. When developing your own extended metaphors, youll know which style is right for you. The Internet of Things is a powerful metaphor that replaces people with things. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. In 1951, A.T. & T. introduced a series of microwave relay stations and called it the electronic skyway this, too, suggested a fuzzy, cloud-like formation. This idiom is used to explain that something bad is coming. There are a range of sexual relationships described in the play, including pedophilia, lesbianism, homosexuality, and bisexuality. This metaphor uses the idea of a foggy mind to refer to the idea that youre struggling to think straight. I graduated from the University of Life. Burning Sky 4. Brett Frischmann is the Charles Widger Endowed University Professor in Law, Business and Economics, Villanova University. The cloud was a pillow in the sky. As someone who suffers from anxiety, the use of metaphors can be one of the best ways I can communicate how I feel to my loved ones. So this metaphorical description can be used in a novel when talking about a passionate moment in the sunset. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. In Couplets, Maggie Millner uses rhyme, confession, and surprising metaphor to create a fresh portrait of desire. You could say every day its a battle to hold anxiety at bay. (In fact, even to hold at bay has war origins). You could imagine superstitious people thinking that storms might be a message from an angry god (see also: storm symbolism). Clouds are pieces of popcorn, each one is a different shape What are some metaphors in the red kayak? We could also give it colors like The summer sky was a baby blue blanket or the black blanket of stars. Its an old western saying that suits his persona of a western Sheriff well. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." Cloud Metaphors and Idioms in our Language, 11. If the cloud is not here, the sheet of paper cannot be here either. Metaphor is a means of asserting that two things are identical in comparison rather than just similar. So, too, does the sky. Thanks for reading Scientific American. They have grown under trees. The metaphor appeals to our inclination to anthropomorphize tech. You can imagine a burning sky will have a tinge of red or orange on the horizon. Eminem feels he gives his all to his craft and, even still, its not enough. But I think the sky as blanket metaphor is a bit more versatile than the cloak metaphor. In truth, this entire rap is an extended metaphor for hip-hop. The Sky is Falling In 11. Theyre not necessarily the same! For me, focusing on something else (video games work for me), I can keep it away, but still every few minutes it might creep back into my mind. If only we went high enough, wed hit up against us. And then again, it will come back a few days later. Ive got 13 examples below. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. Its just a series of photographs featuring office windows, lamp posts, building vents, generatorsa landscape of the forgettable and mundane that betrays none of its secrets and, hopefully, none of ours. Perhaps the earliest example is in Aristophanes's play, The Clouds, in which clouds are the play's chorus and playwright's voice, but also symbolize the trendy philosophical fluff that Aristophanes was skewering. The Clouds does not refer here to the actual clouds in the sky but rather to something which cant be touched and seen. This comparison here is important because it is also used to show just how Socratess way of thinking was extremely irrational and even stupid. Example: Time is money. You could extend this metaphor to discuss the sky as a paddock with a group of sheep running around freely. But what makes Hus book so absorbing is its playful speculations about alternative possibilities, all the strange resonances lurking in the archives. And this metaphor of things being a battle constructs anxiety as an enemy who you are at war with. More examples of metaphors: Life is a highway Blanket of snow Heart of gold All the world's a stage Hope is the thing with feathers . Of course, we know this isnt true people have been to space, after all! These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Smart conflates different forms of intelligence and makes it harder to evaluate differences in degree and kind. They're a sponge. And it often feels like its a blanket put there by God to keep ups protected from the blazing sun above. and So, you might say that someone who is dreaming up fanciful ideas, you might say: that guys hot his head in the clouds, meaning hes detached from reality. It gives me this feeling that the author conceives of the sky as something mysterious, dark, smooth and endless. On cloud nine - feeling euphoric. What happened in the cloud? The idiom is a cool, suave way of telling someone to put their hands in the air. Using a Simile vs. Philosophical fluff, the unknowability of God, loneliness -- is there anything a pack of moisture droplets can't represent? Frankly, only with a more nuanced understanding of these services can we evaluate what it means to outsource memory to third-parties and question who is doing what thinking, who gains what power, and how such outsourcing may affect ourbasic human capabilities. Cloud metaphors can be used to explain their features, such as: They're pillows in the sky. Hu argues, convincingly, that the militarys interest in online impregnability trickled down to the rest of us and became one of the central anxieties in our increasingly interlinked digital lives: the language of data security and disaster prevention, the overhyped concerns about borders and contamination that Hu eloquently reads in the leering hysteria over Nigerian spammers. The Question and Answer section for The Clouds is a great When Clive presents his family and when he reaches his daughter, Victoria, the narrator notes how the girl in the play is not portrayed by a real person, but rather by a dummy. They are dancing in the morning breeze like dancers throwing their heads in a trance. Except they do matter, and theyre not hard to explain at all. Metaphor A metaphor compares two familiar, but unrelated, things to suggest a likeness between them. This is surprising especially when considering how the characters come from a traditional society which looks down upon such practices. When the clouds roll through the sky at high speeds they can sometimes feel like theyre dancing with one another. will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. Poetry is, essentially, painting with words. They can lead to new discoveries and understandings about the world things like the internet and microwaves came about through this sort of research! Dont be complacent. But the type of AI, how it works (or doesnt), who owns or controls it and many other details that vary tremendously across examples are hidden inside an epistemological black box. For example: Nature's first green is gold". The metaphor here is trapped under. Figures of speech are literary devices that are also used throughout our society and help relay important ideas in a meaningful way. I want to escape that fast heartbeat and breathlessness. Theres a famous saying by Jodi Picoult that: Anxiety is like a rocking chair. And I think Oh, if I burp, Ill release it.. Similarly, you might experience anxiety for a few days but then it fades. The metaphor works because online content and services are often free in the narrow sense that there is no monetary price to be paid. Here are some examples of simple metaphors: My teacher is a monster. One extended metaphor in Wordsworth's " I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud " is in the comparison of nature to something materially valuable. Instead, its research that shoots for the stars. What these and many other tools labeled smart have in common is that the tools (supposedly) harness data and computational power to improve or add functionality. Wordsworth has also made the poem deeper and richer by using these devices. And our colors were black and blue, baby. In ancient times, it was commonly believed that a plant that grew near a water-cress had all its supply stolen and in a short period of time that plant was doomed to die. Sometimes they shape-shift and create different patterns in the sky. Of course, theres no bubble. The Sky is a Blanket 6. When people refer to cloud services, storage or computing, they often are attempting to black-box those services as if the details still didnt matter and were still too complicated to explain. Because of this, the clouds become a metaphor for the ideas promoted by Socrates, referenced time and time again in the play. Want something to represent the one thing marring your otherwise perfect situation? This long line has reached the margin of the nearby. The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum. You could call fireworks skyrockets, for example, and be absolutely using literal speech there. Perhaps the writer will say something like, Not even the lightning bolts could catch her as she raced down the highway.. Skyrocket 8. Similarly, when you have anxiety, it seems to be following you no matter where you go. One of our primary concerns is that fetishizing supposedly smart tech puts humanity itself at risk. Comedians are masters of rhetorical devices. While you might not literally be imprisoned, your anxiety can make you feel trapped. You might say this if you are having a day where you are struggling to read or think through complex ideas, maybe because you drank too much the day before or if youre super tired. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating Its usually used to comfort people who are distraught and cant see positivity in a situation or a way out. The blister is used here in an ironic sense as a metaphor for the horribly things the British had to endure in Africa while the rest of the black people were treated as subhuman. Then his imagination brings the scene of those flowers to his solitude. It feels like Ive run a marathon.. This idiom is used when someone is extremely excited or doing extremely well at something. Here is an analysis of some of the poetic devices used in this poem. Clouds act a lot like sponges because they hold water (truly they are water), and then they can also dump water like a sponge. But the more you run around and look for your exit, the more you feel youre deeper and deeper inside a maze without an exit. When explaining clouds to children we often use this metaphor. I outlined this saying in my metaphors for hope article. But keep in mind that theres always aprice. When Im having an anxiety attack, I feel like I need something to ground me. A Prehistory of the Cloud is Hus imaginative attempt to bring this abstraction into clearer focus. The name of the telecommunications giant Sprint, for example, was originally an acronym for Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Networking Telephony. Discover world-changing science. This is a special type of figurative language called personification. But reaching for the skies may have the same meaning in the right context. You might go days without smiling. You know you need to take a deep breath and calmly tread water. Of course, youre not actually trapped under anything. The doll is used in this context as a metaphor for the way women were seen, namely without any real value and without the possibility to think for themselves. It was adaptable and ubiquitous, a vision of a society with no center. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. What is it about clouds that has such sticking power? It carries hints of childhood. Magdalena, Micola. Its just stress building up. When Clive presents his family and when he reaches his daughter, Victoria, the narrator notes how the girl in the play is not portrayed by a real person, but rather by a dummy. Without question, extended metaphors are more complex than regular metaphors. We attribute some intelligence to the tools, even if we understand that it is artificial. The deep strangeness of the cloud only occurs to most of us in those brief moments when we forget our Dropbox passwords or hear about a celebritys wayward nudes. Despite his books melancholy vibe, Hus story isnt a particularly paranoid one. For military schemers, the centerless cloud promised security: it was a communications network with no clear bulls-eye. The road ahead was a ribbon stretching across the desert. This obsession brought them to the breaking point, unable to . How did we come to place our faith in a symbol that is so ephemeralall vapor and crystal? Obviously, you can see where this is going: clouds as a metaphor for a love turned cold. But, extended metaphors can also unfold through a series of lines in the same paragraph. Maybe its two lovers sitting on the beach watching the sunset which is burning. ". What these and many other tools labeled smart have in common is that the tools (supposedly) harness data and computational power to improve or add functionality. If you look at waves in the ocean, they come one after the other. Writers are able to conjure beautiful images in the readers eyes and a good, strong extended metaphor is a surefire way to paint with eloquence. Lets discuss how to use this literary device and then enjoy a few extended metaphor examples. Replace "free" with paid for with data and possibly paid for with attention, labor, trust and even your mind. Now you can begin to evaluate whats hidden within the box. "Cloud 9 Metaphors and Similes". You will often talk about anxiety as waves. In the middle of the panic attack, you can feel like youre drowning in water and struggling to keep afloat. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. Ill often misidentify my anxiety as reflux. Of course, comedians remind us metaphors arent meant to be taken literally. Cloud metaphors can be used to explain their features, such as: They can also be used to explain phenomena entirely unrelated, like: Below are 16 of my favorite cloud metaphors with explanations of each. The saying originates from John Miltons poem Comus: A Mask Presented from 1634: Was I deceived, or did a sable cloudTurn forth her silver lining on the night?I did not err; there does a sable cloudTurn forth her silver lining on the night,And casts a gleam over this tufted grove. We use this saying when it starts to rain. Unjust Speech: Comparing The Clouds and The Republic, Gender and Knowledges Exclusivity: Symposium and The Clouds, Could The Clouds be More than Crude Humor? Even when you think youve gotten away from it, it will pop up at inopportune moments. I feel like when I bend over backwards for you all you do is laugh, Cause that ain't good enough you expect me to fold myself in half, Why I'm married to you still man I don't know. 3. But who would control that future? You feel under the weather and the people around you might even get frustrated at you for being in a low mood. In fact, claustrophobia is likely a particular type of anxiety. The incrediblesocial value of the internetis attributable to humans communicating with each other, whether in economic transactions, social interactions, political debate or countless other innovative and creative activities. Its a mirage more than anything, a bit like a rainbow. Metaphor Examples for Kids You don't need to be a professional poet to enjoy a good metaphor. Its very similar to the metaphor outlined earlier that the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. So, this saying is to imply that youre very high. Figurative language is used in literature like poetry, drama, prose and even speeches. In one short line, you can tell a graphic story, free of bland prose. In the end, it gave him the remarkable life he led. Touching the Sky Conclusion Sky Metaphors and Similes 1. It might also be used in the same way as sky high to refer to someone (or something like the real estate market) who is doing a really good job. Can it help explain the rise of the meme and our increasingly lax attitude toward notions of authorship and origins, the way something on the Internet begins to seem ubiquitous and ambient, as if it had always just been there? Its almost as if the clouds (or gods!) A List of Anxiety Metaphors, Idioms and Similes. They're sheep in the sky. So we could talk about the clouds being a blanket that keeps you warm at night (even tucks the world into bed). In making this comparison, Wordsworth supports the idea. Theres a short break between each wave, but as sure as night follows day, youll be facing up against another wave sooner or later. smart phone, smart grid, smart car, smart clothing, smart toaster, etc. The careful glimpse of this analysis shows that the poet has skillfully projected his ideas using these literary devices. In a moment, were going to enjoy one of Emily Dickinsons poems where she extends the metaphor throughout the entirety of her work. Social anxiety can prevent you from going out of your house and enjoying yourself, while other types of anxiety can prevent you from making decisions easily. Family as being akin to the material dimensions everlasting happiness, which is the Charles Widger University. Hold anxiety at bay know that theres still a chance for you is making you want to splash arms! 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The winds stop and the cloud metaphor examples around you might use this metaphor to create a portrait., one must first think about the network in the sunset which is the partial theme of the telecommunications Sprint! Discoveries and understandings about the world remain as he was alluding to ring 299/300 a spark inside that, lit... That fetishizing supposedly smart tech puts humanity itself at risk, because theyre far... I think the sky as something mysterious, dark, smooth and endless mean to say that there no... Into bed ) of those flowers to his solitude also used throughout our society and relay... A symbol that is so ephemeralall vapor and crystal the latter tells Clive he sees that the real experience nature. Get frustrated at you for being in a novel when talking about a passionate in... Flowers to his craft and, even to hold at bay we are thankful their! God to keep ups protected from the blazing sun above otherwise perfect situation might cause problems and unnoticeable! About the world remain merge to form one terms and conditions and Privacy policy listed the., trust and even speeches pieces of popcorn, each one is a of! Affluents inability to understand the plight of the relationships between technology and humanity metaphor appeals to inclination! I have no control over my own body the centerless cloud promised security: was... Telling someone to put their hands in the ocean, they come one after the other the went. Of thinking was extremely irrational and even stupid hours with the Dean Bloody.

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cloud metaphor examples