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John comes back down here and Frederick starts smashing him across the face, and just saying, 'You fucking liar!' "Frederick has helped so many people. He even let me drive one of his Porches. We are here to warn you! "A lot of it I couldn't really absorb at once." You will survive the storms and be the leaders of the millennium." "Freddie used to tell us all in those days that he had spent $20,000 to decorate it, which was a tremendous amount then!". The stones were badly scratched; their color was cloudy. From a folder, she pulled out a sheaf of receipts and gem appraisals which appeared to show that during a four-month period she had given von Mierers more than $100,000 for gems and the cost of fixing up her apartment, most of it in cash. "He would hear about someone rich and say, 'Bring him in!' He had us change the locks on the door. Any job they could think of that was a pain in the ass, theyd assign it to me. Frederick would bring out the coral and the lapis and he would light up like a Christmas tree. I knew that I had come from Arcturus. "Why do you have to be a gem salesman? I bought an emerald. Just a few things that come to mind, working from memory of course. Over the years, I spent more than $150,000 on gems. In clips from these extremely 80s appearances, the former model shills mail-order cassettes and spouts new-age gibberish, his eyes getting impossibly larger and more urgent with each nonsense aphorism. "And you'll never be a David Bowie unless you get a better story," Bey replied. They allowed you to have it and to enjoy your life here, but they did not promise you another piece of ass. One tenant in the building had to stop a doorman from letting in a threateninglooking group of men on their way to 4N, von Mierers's apartment, at three A.M. "I said, 'Lock the doors! The leader was a man named Frederick Von Mierers. von Mierers would say. Freddys successors were even more extreme. Amelia is kind and innocent and comes from a family with money. They are essential for every sincere seeker of the Truth. ") When they returned to New York, they told Eileen Ford's husband and Hunter what had happened to them. "I was the most powerful political columnist in America," she told me. She was impressed by the "hypnotic atmosphere" and the attractive young people; Andreadis did an astrological reading for her which, she said, "blew me away." John Richards Hoyt was 16 when the 30-something Von Mierers approached him at the beach. As unbelievable as it sounds, never once during my two decades with the group did I ever consider I might be a member of a cult. one exclaimed. I am the chosen one. They came after me and talked me into coming back. "Think about the white light and the violet light!" Cults have always attracted those with deficiency needsmissing pieces of psychological makeup that family, religion, or education did not supply. Like Frederick von Mierers, an extraordinary number of people are suddenly claiming to be in contact with their space brothers. She has a huge audience. It's a drop in the bucket.' Hoyt is a big, big money-maker.". . One time, toward the end, they said I was guilty of vanity because I supposedly looked in the mirror too much. They cannot raise the question . His maid did my laundry. "He's harmless," Hunter told me. Nostradamus said 2000 would be a time of tremendous upheaval; the Hopi Indians and the Mayans saw it as the end of our world; Jeane Dixon has weighed in with her vision of a future evil Antichrist; and an avatar of "Maitreya the Christ" presides incognito as a Pakistani in London. ", 'You must write that I am from the star Arcturus. The stones were all set in similar simple heavy gold settings. $769.99 / piece Size: 49in. Catherine Edelmann asked on a tape. Scarlet and turquoise feathers drifted by. '. He and his friends would go to Freddys parties for the free beer; for a moment, at least, Hoyt was using him. ", Eileen Ford and Joe Hunter both told me that they have never issued any kind of statement about von Mierers, and they did not call the police after Jacki Adams had told them her story. But don't mention that I have them here," von Mierers told me during the afternoon we spent together. John was saying, 'Don't hit me, Frederick. "Frederick was brilliant at puffing us all up," Adams told me. Jacki Adams's parents divorced when she was a toddler; her father was killed in Vietnam. . .immaculate dresser. Writer Marie Brenner, who confirmed the now-dropped investigation by the Manhattan district attorney's office, compared the blank stares of von Mierers' minions to those of Jim Jones, who led his followers in a mass suicide in the jungles of Guyana in 1979. He became, he said, deeply depressed, "disenchanted with the world, and wanting out.". . I had a Life Reading done by Frederick von Miers in the late 1980's. Although I did not get to meet him, I believe he was honest in the concept he passed on to some of us and that he was a Walk-In. His house in Nantucket, his medical insurance, his club dues. "I think we all thought, This can't be a cult. The weird thing was, in this crazy screwed up way, I believed they were right to punish me. I have rubies and sapphires! a city detective recently asked a Ford model who had fled from the group. Now prosecutors in the office of the Manhattan district attorney are investigating the possibility that von Mierers was involved in a multimillion-dollar gem ring. He told me, 'Give me $9,000 cash to paint it. The purported healing powers of von Mierers's gems are only part of the credo of Eternal Values. Frederick insisted on cash. He was older and cool and unbelievably charismatic. And Rutherford County officials in charge of von Mierers' now-cremated corpse have also said Seaman tried to get them to sign a death certificate for von Mierers. Editor's Letter: Tales of the unexpected. You are here to listen to me.' ' This last year, in the early fall, I received another call, this time from a close friend. The model, who was involved with Eternal Values for almost a year, has given a sworn secret statement to the Manhattan D.A. There were, additionally, an aspiring actor and several women who run von Mierers's business, a spiritual life-style and astrological organization called the Eternal Value's. Von Mierers wanted a home in the Blue Ridge mountains, he told an interviewer, because he felt the mountain range would survive the millennium. ``They pretty much stayed to themselves.'. "Are you aware that right here in the most cynical city in the world there is some weird cult for young, glamorous professionals?" von Mierers scolded. I am creating the greatest comedy on earth. Her success did little to affect her malaise, though; Adams often spent evenings reading spiritualism books, trying to make sense of her troubled childhood. Of course, some conditions are more extreme than others. Send it to The Daily Beasthere. By now Andreadis had seen and heard enough. I sought counseling and have a little bit of a film careerwriting, acting and producing several movies. It is materialized, objectified thoughts. For that, you feel a sense of shame. The spirit of Jeremiah walked into my body. "Ruth Montgomery really created Frederick," one Ford model told me. LAKE LURE MANSION HOUSED STAR PROPHET LEADER SOUGHT REFUGE BEFORE DYING OF AIDS. If this was the road it took to get me here, so beit. Something went wrong. No unity can be achieved here in the physical world. Part of many life readings was a "gem prescription." Ruth Montgomery detailed von Mierers's relationship with Mrs. Williams in Aliens Among Us: "In company with his dowager godmother, Frederick traveled the high roads of Europe, meeting socially with the Queen of England and European aristocracy. We all want the gems,'' I had heard a Princeton honors graduate and devotee of Eternal Values say on a cassette about the stones. "No one is recruiting here!" We were sitting in his apartment, an elaborately decorated aerie on East Fifty-fourth Street. In Eternal Values, there are always so many people around, you're always listening to Frederick." ''Germans have created everything, '' he told me. In the summers, von Mierers would return to Nantucket. Early on, he felt the strong need to camouflage the fact that he had grown up in Brooklyn. He no longer needed to suffer the dreadful slights that often beset ambitious and aging pretty boys. He swept into the room and said, 'I come from Arcturus. It would be the final certification, for who in the psychic world could ever doubt Montgomery's famous Guides? As John Hoyt made his way around New York, he talked about von Mierers to other models he would meet. There, surrounded by a pink marble interior and numerous mirrors - that's how his last name is pronounced - von Mierers died Feb. 4 at the age of 43. ``I have no complaints about them at all,' Karr told The Asheville Citizen. He described Frederick as "an internationally renowned Hindu astrologer and lecturer in the underlying unity between science and religion. How could I have been so stupid? The girlfriend of a handsome young relative of mine called me in a state of panic. "Suddenly my son was talking like a robot.". Von Mierers was still strictly smalltime; his only platform was a regular stint on a call-in radio show. That's what I've found about this planet. EVERY PAGE. Jeremiah will take over your body.' he would say. Eternal Values is unusual in that many of its young devotees have a lot of cash to spend on von Mierers's healing gems. I believe in the master race!". Of special interest to the tabloids were the models and ``life readings' or other advice von Mierers had given celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone and Rae Dawn Chong. The gems, he would say, are for ''special people, only the elite." And no one could control Frederick anymore. The message was simple: Adams and Andreadis were evil; their egos would have to be ' 'destroyed. ' Now she could talk about philosophy until dawn with a new group of friends who had little to do with the artificial world of fashion. It was the go-go 80s. Andreadis dismisses this as pure invention. "All they ever talked about was money," Andreadis told me. A male supermodel on surviving an apocalyptic, vegetarian cult. Did it matter? Please subscribe to keep reading. . "When we started Eternal Values, it was completely benign, really nothing more than a spiritual merchandising scheme," a former associate of von Mierers's who is now cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney's office told me. In the checkbook, she would write out these tiny amounts of cash for herself, like fifty or something. It helps that Hoyt, or John as his family calls him throughout the film, was born into such a stereotypical American existence. Control is subtle. In a series of visions I saw the coming wars, the destruction of New York City, my own mission, and the future of the earth." It was sort of pathetic.". Often he had $30,000 or $40,000 in cash in his apartment. Purely by coincidence I met a modeling agent; the next summer I was cast in a big ad campaign for Geoffrey Banks. We never would have signed him." Vanity Includes Mirror. His actual childhood remains a mystery. von Mierers told Jacki Adams, the Ford model who had come to see me, on one cassette. Frederick said to me, 'Susanne, what is $50,000 to you? "How could an obvious phony like this convince so many smart, attractive young people in New York that he was for real?" I would never have made it without the help of my old friend Fabio, the spokesmodel. There, lessons of , "The Wall Street Journal just so happened to have a supportive op-ed ready to publish within hours of the meeting. When she came upon Aliens Among Us, she was profoundly moved by the descriptions of von Mierers and Andreadis. It was Christmas this past year at the Ford agency, and Eileen Ford was frantic. We talked a lot about becoming highly evolved personalities. We did a lot of ego renunciation. Freddy talked a lot about the coming apocalypse, which made the need for personal wealth and relationships unnecessary. by such friends and clients as Babe Paley, Averell Harriman, and Cole Porter. Montgomery quotes von Mierers: "Overnight I became an adept in the science of Hindu astrology. Andreadis was confronting von Mierers frequently about the gems, and angry factions were arising within the group. His accent, already familiar to me from the many videotapes he had merchandised, was obviously inauthentic; I could hear traces of the grandees of the Hudson Valley, the sibilation of Blanche DuBois, and the clipped o's of Mayfair. Control of diet was an important first step. From somewhere, I heard music which sounded like an organ on a Moog synthesizer. "Don't ever carry a Vuitton bag!" At one time we were both with the Ford Modeling agency. A hydrogen-light body. $587.00 / piece Size: 37in. Basically, at this point, Ive shifted the shame to a place where I think of myself as a survivor. "Frederick shut me in a room until it was finished," Adams said. Maybe you remember seeing it on late-night public-access cable TV. He is trying to alienate him from all of us!" Hunter soon signed Hoyt under the name Hoyt Richards. Every few moments, the birds spread their wings. His business began to grow. "I wanted to get married and I wanted out!" The first time I tried to leave the group, I fled to New York. I took the heaviest piece in my hand, a gold bracelet with what appeared to be lavender sapphires. They could help you. Suddenly my son was talking like a robot.". Insight is given as to the inner workings of the Universal Magnetic Field, as well as how the stones can help you tune in to higher intelligence.") And here I was, a male model, a symbol of all we were supposed to hate. Karr said he had never heard of von Mierers until after his death. (''This cassette describes how the one Principle of Cosmic Intelligence expresses itself. ''. "Then it became something else. I had no sleep, ever. Montgomery had been so moved by Andreadis's letter that she felt compelled to consult the Guides. I could give these kids almost a Harvard course in metaphysics." Frederick's been working like lightning. Von Mierers would wax eloquent on the legendary Hindu belief in the healing properties of certain precious gems. I asked. I had come in to interview Ford and Joe Hunter about von Mierers. She wrote a letter, she called this man Frederick, and the group members said to her, 'We don't know who you are.' Its hard to imagine just how strange it would all seem without context, an insomniac flipping through the channels, stumbling upon this exaggeration of a man who claimed to be an alien from the star Arcturus. My nickname in the group was Dipshit. "Let me tell you something! Life after a cult has been challenging and terrifying and liberating. "I have been familiar with your work only since last summer, when I became aware that the message in your books is identical to the Hindu cycles of creation." Conversations on Vivekananda, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Hindu Vedas would stretch on till dawn. I reminded him of his participation in the tape. "I come from a very rich family," he once told a TV interviewer. Beware.. .the path of the razor's edge is sharp," he told one model. .gemstones.". Eileen Ford told me. "She left less than $400,000," Williams told me, With access to Mrs. Williams severed, von Mierers retreated more and more into his spiritual pursuits. "I said to him, 'Come on, John, do you really think you're from another planet?' Frederick von Mierers is one of the most complex characters I ever met. After Freddy died of AIDS in 1990, there was a power struggle within the group. In August 1987, Jacki Adams began to attend meetings of the group. He enlisted appraisers who worked on percentages of the stones they evaluated. Von Mierers told the impressionable boy that he had "a mission" to enlighten others, and he offered to teach him astrology. The man's famil, Growing up in Goldsboro, Greensboro Day senior Jaydon Young averaged 25.9 points per game as a freshman at Wayne Christian. "It was Frederick's idea to strip us of our egos through sexual humiliation," a model told a prosecutor in the office of the Manhattan district attorney. In those days, he would hold seminars for hundreds of people at a church on Park Avenue or at a downtown school. Perhaps von Mierers's ability to mesmerize so many young peopie comes from the very persona he labored to develop as he made his way up the social ladder of New York. Frederick would talk about their mission and explain the need to eat grains and vegetables; he would place them on rigorous diets, which involved an elaborate system of eating known as food-combining. Von Mierers had decorated the other apartments exactly like his own. I thought there was the possibility for real violence. The dark and evil forces are perpetuating the idea of soul mates. A few people in the room were buzzing about her: Who is that beautiful woman? Eternal Values was my reality. Von Mierers describes on them past lives of clients; this one was a "healer'' in Egypt, that one a "courtesan" in ancient Rome. Only Hermes.". For a time, he supported himself handily as a model. (''Only a clear understanding of how the Evil Forces work will enable people to make it through the precarious times that lie ahead. "I went to one weekend seminar," a businesswoman named Christina Andrews told me. In my mind I was working him, kind of taking advantage of this guy and all his cool connections. Frederick walked into his body a few years ago, coming directly from that star where he knew John.. .. Frederick is a remarkable soul who has experienced every type of life on earth and on numerous planetary systems. And when he complained to Frederick, von Mierers said to him, "You will die on the water! ' Plus, I was supporting them. ", When asked later about his reaction to the departure of Adams and Andreadis, von Mierers lapsed into a long silence and then, speaking with difficulty, said, "I don't know who such people are." Every movement was a tremendous effort. A West Coast money manager with Prudential-Bache met von Mierers in a grand Virginia house. The body, the mind, and the senses are inert. "He kept saying, 'John is not working hard enough producing the tapes.' Vanity Fair magazine came out a week later with an in-depth story on von Mierers that went to press before his death. Always, he was immaculate; he combed his hair, which was dark then, straight back like an heir to Morgan Stanley. Helen Kress Williams's will, filed in Manhattan in 1981, did not mention Frederick von Mierers. New members of the group, such as a model who had met John Hoyt on a photo shoot, were gradually told about the sexualinitiation practices, including the multiracial sex rite which members called "the treatment." What is a famous model doing here? I hung out with Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell. . I thought, This is a holy place." 69-year-old suffers stroke in his home; Realtor showing house leaves him there. Some are more abusive. someone asked. Man died Wednesday. .late '20's hairdo life of the party and a people organizer.. .seen a lot at Le Cirque, Cecil's, Isle of Capri fabulous dancer.. .a gentleman," the item read. He used to tell friends that he went to the Professional Children's School, although there is no record of him there. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. he raged at the young man, who scurried to obey him. . By then he had given up modeling and taken up with Billy Baldwin, the dean of American decorators, called "Billy B." This is not phenomenalism and five-and-dimestore stupidities!" Perhaps as a way of breaking free, Andreadis and Adams married in November. You see everything like it is. You're a model! He seemed to enjoy titillating the group with talk of "chocolate lords." Von Mierers waited impatiently for the publication of Aliens Among Us. Eileen Ford then told me about another group operating in her agency, a cluster of bornagain Christians called Models for God. He would tell us, 'We are living a high spiritual life.' I am the elite. No mother, no father, no brother, no sister. Montgomery soon invited Andreadis and von Mierers to meet with her at her home in Washington, D.C. "She asked me to write about alien life for her next book," Andreadis said. "He and I went way back together. The group members watched me suspiciously, and, as in the faces of the Jonestown survivors in news photos, behind their blank stares was fear. They never saw that side in Lake Lure, however. After consulting with "the Guides," Montgomery explained gravely to her readers, she had decided that von Mierers's account of his past lives was correct. ``You can't miss it,' he advises lake visitors curious about the house. Frederick von Mierers told his elite followersamong them top models and yuppiesthat he was from the star Arcturus, here to neutralize "the dark forces." Do you see the ego there? "Iam doing this for you," von Mierers is said to have replied. I recently asked Eileen Ford and Joe Hunter, the company president. 'I am Socrates, I am Plato. My mother was not that rich. Bob Parks of nearby Bob's Marina wasn't familiar with von Mierers either, at least not until an ``Inside Edition' camera crew rented one of his boats to shoot the lakeside mansion. When I called Ruth Montgomery to discuss von Mierers with her, she was defensive and refused to speak for attribution. He often made remarks about Jews, but he had learned to couch his comments in a sneer. ''Cash would come in for the gems from all over the country," Andreadis told me. But when I got the ring, I could immediately tell they had switched the stones. At first glance, the flowers appeared real. Even today, years after Charles Manson and the Jonestown mass suicides, more than two thousand cults continue to operate in America. A 1988 deed transfers possession of the property from Eternal Values to Unified Cosmogony. We all know its not. He's saying, 'Don't hit me!'.. and that was the end of that.". . . About this time a Ford model named Susanne Gregard attended von Mierers's regular Wednesday-night "family dinner" for the inner circle of the group. "There are really two kinds of Jews," a friend remembers him saying. Catherine Edelmann, the Princeton honors graduate, said of von Mierers on a widely distributed tape, "One of the things Frederick said was 'Do not want a position! "I thought I was in love with Jacki," he told me. I was appalled by Frederick. Often von Mierers would take a stem tone on the tapes. The gem operation was confined to New York, although von Mierers also used jewelers in Washington, D.C., and Iowa to obtain stones. "I had found them through Ruth Montgomery's book. Hoyt Richards was one of the worlds biggest male supermodels in the 80s and 90s. "He was always accusing me of ego, as if that were a bad thing! . During the spiritual seminars in the Park Avenue church, ugly shouting would break out. That's $3 million. "That always sounded suspicious to me," a friend of von Mierers's told me, "but he was always around with Mrs. Williams, and she was such a sweet old lady." He looked at her emeralds and told her they were junk. "These are the only people in New York who count," he would say. East Side Alien: Frederick von Mierers, who claims he's from the star Arcturus. I don't think that is a spiritual pursuit," Andreadis says he once told von Mierers. There are allegations that he, like the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, was able to persuade his followers to sign over their paychecks, houses, even furniture, to further his cause. He spent time at Quest, a bookshop on Fifty-third Street specializing in spiritual books, and there he met other people on their own missions. "He saves them from their egos. Von Mierers rented a house on Nantucket, where Baldwin always spent his summers. The gem business has always been predicated on the notion of caveat emptor; a stone is worth what the customer is willing to pay. Von Mierers told anyone who asked that Andreadis had left the group because of an experience he had had with a black Marine. Im making it. "I almost had a breakdown. The fairy tales of this dimension! He has a lot of good traits and a lot of bad ones. I probably have over $800,000 wholesale of these gems in this very apartment. At two in the morning, Von Mierers would be beamed out into the universe courtesy of cable television. "I was never paid," he said, "but I believed what Frederick said. "These kids are legal age." I could write three books about him. "Everywhere you looked there were mirrors and ostrich-skin accent pieces, parchment-covered Parsons tables, a lavender bedroom," a friend remembered. I don't know anything about this!" The dark forces controlling this world are working not only through the obvious avenues of bombs, chemicals, and drugs but also through New Age spirituality. There, in 1979, he met Frederick von Mierers, who asked him his birth date and told him, he said, "startling things about my life." "Everyone would sit around, and they were all wearing these gems on their fingers. Mostly it was menial jobsdoing dishes and laundry, scrubbing toilets, doing vacuum packing. .like Lalique. You realize its kind of happening to everyone in a way. Through the help of a friendly building representative, he had arranged leases for some of his new friends in his apartment house. John Hoyt, another member, said, "John was a very stubborn boy. Also unavailable was Manhattan chiropractor David Seaman, one of von Mierers' closest friends. In four months, she claims, she paid more than $100,000 to von Mierers and Eternal Values. As the leader of the group Eternal Values, it was Von Mierers responsibility to find the others, and teach them about their true origins and noble calling. Vanity Fair magazine came out a week later with an in-depth story on von Mierers that went to press before his death. We are sincere! I asked. Slowly, I became mesmerized by him." "Interior decorator 28 years old . von Mierers told me. Studio Design Collection. "You have to do something! "As far as I'm concerned, he's a crumbum.". 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' that Andreadis had left the group than $ 100,000 to von Mierers that to... On late-night public-access cable TV Manhattan chiropractor David Seaman, one of the worlds biggest male supermodels in the of... I fled to New York who count, '' he said, `` told! At a downtown school male supermodels in the summers, von Mierers 's gems are only part of life... Of myself as a survivor of good traits and a lot of good traits and a lot of cash spend... Old friend Fabio, the Ford modeling agency x27 ; s Letter: Tales of group.

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