moon conjunct pluto synastry tumblrjalan pasar, pudu kedai elektronik

Pluto is about power in astrology. When two or more planets merge, it results in powerful energy called a conjunction. Pluto In Synastry - Depth And Darkness. they may even use violence and impulsively hurt others. Id rather him know I know the truth than to see him attempt to hide something even though he never does he just can take a little bit to say his truth sometimes and I know Im hard to confront a lot of times even though I try to be more mellow. The strong interaction of these two planets is more sexual The Pluto person can be especially obsessive and controlling towards the Moon person, while the Moon person might try to manipulate the Pluto person behind the scenes. You are automatically compelled by each other with Moon conjunct Pluto in the syanstry chart, but generally speaking, with any Moon-Pluto synastry aspect. . This aspect is deceptively steady. * Jupiter conjunct another persons Jupiter creates a relationship that can almost be too much of a good thing. Im the pluto person and seeing your perspective is interesting, especially because of what you said about you two having to always be honest. Fire Moons will get the other active, get them moving and distract or bring them out of their funk, know just how to breeze them out of whatever emotional depth theyd fallen into. You have now THIS one, come back to life, light and truth. Often, the affection of the Moon person triggers the ego of the Pluto person. But if not, the Moon conjunct Pluto synastry can be tragic and extremely painful. Their outward expression is appealing to you and you may desire to know them more personally. Pluto Mars trine, pluot Venus conjunct (hes pluto) with a lot of easier aspects. Pluto is famous for its X-ray vision in astrology. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. The Moon person can appear especially erratic; their emotions may fluctuate daily. Generally, a conjunction occurs when the planets are placed within 0 of each other. Sun conjunct/trine/sextile/opposite/square Sun/neptune/uranus/pluto. This couple can easily get stuck in the Pluto opposition Moon synastry relationship. Synastry charts reveal what you mean to each other in a relationship. * If someones Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is conjunct your descendant or falls in your 7th house, you may feel magnetically attracted to them without knowing why. The Moon wants to provide security and the house partner tries to be helpful an generous. In a Moon-Pluto synastry aspect, its the Pluto person who has the power. The Pluto person can almost see into the soul of the Moon person. You are caught in a chimera and you mistake it as love or obession. However, the Pluto individual is more controlling, jealous, or possessive, and they know how to make the Moon person feel especially emotional. Water Moons will be there for each other to cry on, to hug and hold and brush their hair back, unjudging while the other lets it all out. I also agree with both peoples comments below about the importance of absolute honesty, especially with this aspect. There isnt a lot of emotional closeness here, if badly aspected, Moon person may get this uneasy feeling about the house partner as if they are too pompous and it doesnt sit well with the Moon person. Ultimately with the Pluto trine Moon synastry aspect, the Moon person can end up feeling controlled by the Pluto person. too stubborn to admit they're wrong. When two astrological bodies square, it means that they meet at right angles which causes an interruption in the normal flow of energy. They may feel afraid of losing the relationship, so they will go along with the Pluto persons wishes. Sorry i couldnt keep much contempt out my words because im not about to hide im just plain disappointed that people are so immoral nowadays, the mere fact that he COULD get a girl that doesnt mind forays with married men but he chose you isnt such a compliment .. Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry. It makes both people feel that theymust stay in the relationship for some reason. They exist to protect you, but often, they are also there because you are afraid to face the real you. * Moon and Venus in harmonious aspect to one another in synastry generally indicate compatibility in romantic relationships. Because they are dependent on the Pluto individual, they will go along with things that may not be right for them. Quite important in a relationship, right? Plutonian relationships are associated with obsession for a reason. It is one of the four most important asteroids in astrology, along with Juno, Ceres, and Pallas. Moon person feels like they cannot figure out the house partner, like they are hiding something, even if the house partner isnt. Your email address will not be published. The Pluto sextile Moon synastry aspect means that you have the opportunity to learn about emotional power and control in a relationship and to heal your own emotional wounds. The Moon person can become almost addicted to the emotion ups and downs in the relationship. Thank you for sharing your experience! They have the upper hand. Pluto can trigger self-destructive behavior in the Moon person. Imagine the Moon as a flower, and Pluto as nuclear powerhouse. The negative manifestations described above are either milder or they are not even here. All of your deepest feelings and love for . The Pluto person tends to be in control, but the Moon person is more emotionally attached. * Pluto square Moon can be an indicator of power struggles. There is often manipulation involved, or in some cases, even abuse. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. Since the most important planets in synastry are the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars - Pluto is a planet that is overlooked when it comes to love relationships, and wrongfully so. Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry. Often, the Moon person willingly gives the Pluto person the power, without even realizing. If you find yourself feeling compulsive about a certain issue, the activation of your Pluto by the moon will facilitate penetrating under the . The Pluto person forces the Moon person to go into the unexplored places of their soul. An expansive feeling in this synastry for both people, being able to learn from each other in so many different ways. Through the intensity of the Moon conjunct Pluto synastry relationship, the Pluto person can easily offend the Moon person. The moon is such a sensitive point and Mars is again, raw energy, raw drive, raw sex. The Pluto person is a transformative force in the Moon persons life, while the Moon person gives safety and support. When the Moon conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, a number of things happen. The Moon person is aware of this (at least subconsciously). Water Moons will actively BE very emotional, crying or getting angry or trying to avoid or manipulate the situation to get away from it (guilt-tactics can be seen here). The energy between you is strong as soon as you meet. they may have anger issues, be explosive, aggressive and selfish. I agree it is irrational, it doesnt make any sense (the discourse makes me think of a naive teenager but hey, its been 13 years, whatever age you might have had when the story had started, you cant be a teenager anymore. Pluto digs deep and wants the truth. Turmoils are a typical part of Plutonian relationships in astrology. If he had good and pure intentions, he would come out with the truth, but this hiding and sneaking, lies and games proves he just has one motive, and that doesnt include building a future with you, at most he intends to have you as a side-piece. Ascendant conjunct/opposition sun, venus, moon, uranus, imum coeli, mars, neptune, juno, vertex, eros, south node/north node (other aspects also work, however these are usually more felt). They feed on the idea of the Moon person being obsessed with them. My intuition was so strong that even when everything was going Fine and i had full control of the relationship and where it can lead us I decided to end it even if I had no real reason to something told me to leave him and I did . The same is true not just for Moon conjunct Pluto, but all Moon-Pluto aspects in synastry. 'Sun/Moon' synastry aspects are the most common aspects of marriage in synastry because . This house overlay is a pretty calm one and can calm down negative aspects in charts. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). With the Pluto sextile Moon synastry aspect, the couple may express their passions through sex and intimacy, but there is also a jealous or manipulate aspect that bleeds into the relationship. Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hades, the god of the underworld. Now I feel free I am changed forever but I am sad to see him still being the same he went on a transformation quite different than me he was so innocent and what I thought was pure to being the opposite I guess me leaving showed me the real him and im so lucky to have listened to my intuition early on and yes i also had an online connection with him at the beginning and it got worse once we decided to physically see eachother. There is a chance of jealousy and possessiveness occurring with this overlay as Venus naturally rules the second house. Moon square mercury/mars (believe me or not, but squares are challeging yet actually good in relationships and you might even feel really attracted to people with this type of synastry). They are typically afraid that the Moon person will abandon them if they dont a) provide emotional support and b) keep the Moon person under control. The North Node person has important lessons to teach the Moon person and help them grow. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. reblog . rosesastrology: Chiron in the signs . This conjunction usually triggers extreme emotions. 46.7k. I live in Brazil and he lives in Germany, now the possibility of our meeting is minimal in the face of circumstances, but I feel that I need to run after him. Second house synastry brings a value feeling of emotional satisfaction for the Moon person when in someone's second house rather a romantic one. Pluto gives intensity to everything it comes into contact with.The Moon is the instincts, habits, unconscious patterns. A Moon conjunct Pluto synastry suggests a deep, passionate bond that is not without power struggles and a desire to control and fully possess. This partnership can involve a lot of jealousy, control, manipulation, arguments, and passive-aggressive behaviors. As the Pluto person, you have the power to call the shots on how much control (if any) you allow this connection to have on you. Leave a comment In a Moon conjunct Pluto synastry aspect, it feels like the Pluto person knows everything about the Moon person: there are no secrets, you cannot lie. A Moon-Venus synastry brings up the topics of love, romance, marriage, and beauty. It is always interesting to hear how aspects work out in peoples lives. House person helps provide security and a sense of status for the Moon partner. Both the house person and Moon partner have similar views on many subjects and an appreciation for each other on a integral level. So as long as you are truthful with one an other and genuinely out with good intentions I think it is okay. Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mars/Venus/Uranus/Pluto and moon square Neptune, Moon conjunct north node/south node/juno/vertex. when pluto touches anything it makes it intense and potentially obsessive. Loosing the other person triggers intense fear and emotions. There is good communication between the two, even similar ways of thinking, to the point where it feels like there is a psychic connection. Hopefully both sides of OPs story can let their relationship go and remember their great moments for what they were moments. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate. I have this with someone Ive been on three dates with. The Moon person is extremely attracted to the Pluto person. Cycles of death and rebirth happen on a psychological level all the time. With the Pluto opposition Moon synastry aspect, you might experience up and down emotions as a couple. You are attracted to each other like a moth to the flame, even when it doesnt make sense. The "Solar" constantly seeks to influence the "Lunar", dominating the emotional aspect of the relationships. There are some superficial relationships. I cant stop thinking about him, then out of blue I searched his name on the internet, and I found out that he is married and the father of 3 children. If you have a Moon trine Pluto or Moon sextile Pluto aspect in your synastry chart, there is a significantly easier flow of energy in the relationship. Valentine's day is approaching and Mars will enter sensual Taurus, involving Venusian themes to this tie of year. Its difficult to live like that. The Pluto person can see who the Moon person really is, and they are aware of the Moon persons subconscious needs and motivations. This is because youreso emotionally connected that your feelings can be hard to handle. I wonder what means. These aspects create codependent, obsessive relationships. If birth time is unknown, the Sun can be used in place of Ascendant (however, Sun conjunct Moon should not be used as a confirmation). It's best to first look at the natal charts, separately, to avoid any confusion. When Pluto appears in synastry, it adds depth, passion and volatility to the relationship. Pluto has strong destructive power, too. The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry embodies a natural principle of polarity between creative and perceptual factors. In this guide we'll uncover how Moon conjunct Pluto Synastry molds your life. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. When your moon touches a persons Pluto, you join a club of few. * Sun and Moon conjunctions are a great aspect for either platonic or romantic relationships. In synastry, the Pluto conjunct Moon aspect makes you both feel extremely drawn towards each other. Its typically not difficult to understand one another with this aspect. Pluto-Moon aspects in synastry indicate emotion transformation. There is an ease of communication among both people. Pluto is deep, mysterious and fierce in its ambition. This relationship is ideally emotionally transformative. The Moon person brings the potential of healing any self-rejection in the Descendant person and has a natural compassion and . Do have the maturity to see the truth in the eyes, hes been lying shamelessly to you since more than a decade). As Jupiter represents expansion, this relationship has an interesting potential for both people to bring out the others adventurous, optimistic side. If the "Solar" is a natural leader, this synastry turns out better (for example, if it is a relationship . All aspects are important in a synastry reading, but the basics (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) are the best indicators of a successful marriage. This is the love of a mother for her breastfeeding baby and a love of a woman for a lover, in one. While most popular astrology emphasizes one's Sun Sign, in many ways, the Moon is more . Because your feelings areso intense, you can react in ways that hurt the other person. DO NOT RECOMMEND TO COMPARE A PLUTO AND MOON RELATIONSHIP TO REAL LOVE IS MORE OF AN ILLUSION. Required fields are marked *. Venus conjunction/trine north/south node/vertex/juno, Mars conjunct/trine/square/opposition mars/jupiter/neptune/uranus/pluto. However, the Pluto person is afraid of loosing the Moon person, too. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Personal Planets Conjunct Moon. Thank you for the awesome article! * Moon trine Mercury is an aspect that makes conversation flow in a relationship. The Moon person may especially be dependent on the Pluto person, who tends to have more control in the relationship. Pallas conjunct chiron / pallas trine chiron / pallas sextile chiron / pallas septile chiron/ pallas novile chiron / pallas quintile chiron, Pallas conjunct venus / pallas trine venus / pallas sextile venus / pallas septile venus/ pallas novile venus / pallas quintile venus, Eros conjunct ic / eros trine ic / eros sextile ic / eros septile ic / eros novile ic / eros quintile ic, Eros conjunct ascendant/ eros trine ascendant / eros sextile ascendant / eros septile ascendant / eros novile ascendant / eros quintile ascendant, Eros conjunct descendant/ eros trine descendant / eros sextile descendant/ eros septile descendant/ eros novile descendant/ eros quintile descendant, Eros conjunct valentine / eros trine valentine / eros sextile valentine / eros septile valentine / eros novile valentine / eros quintile valentine, Eros conjunct alma / eros trine alma / eros sextile alma / eros septile alma / eros novile alma / eros quintile alma, Eros conjunct pallas / eros trine pallas / eros sextile pallas / eros septile pallas/ eros novile pallas / eros quintile pallas, Psyche conjunct pallas / psyche trine pallas / psyche sextile pallas / psyche septile pallas/ psyche novile pallas / psyche quintile pallas, Kama conjunct ic / kama trine ic / kama sextile ic / kama septile ic /kama novile ic / kama quintile ic, Kama conjunct moon/ kama trine moon / kama sextile moon / kama septile moon /kama novile moon / kama quintile moon, Kama conjunct pluto / kama trine pluto / kama sextile pluto/ kama septile pluto /kama novile pluto / kama quintile pluto, Kama conjunct valentine / kama trine valentine/ kama sextile valentine / kama septile valentine /kama novile valentine / kama quintile valentine, Anteros conjunct kama / anteros trine kama / anteros sextile kama / anteros septile kama / anteros novile kama / anteros quintile kama, Anteros conjunct valentine / anteros trine valentine / anteros sextile valentine / anteros septile valentine / anteros novile valentine/ anteros quintile valentine, Pallas conjunct valentine / pallas trine valentine /pallas sextile valentine / pallas septile valentine / pallas novile valentine / pallas quintile valentine, Sappho conjunct jupiter /sappho trine jupiter / sappho sextile jupiter / sappho septile jupiter / sappho novile jupiter / sappho quintile jupiter, Sappho conjunct moon / sappho trine moon / sappho sextile moon / sappho septile moon / sappho quintile moon / sappho novile moon, Cupido conjunct juno / cupido trine juno / cupido sextile juno / cupido septile juno / cupido novile juno / cupido quintile juno, Karma conjunct valentine / karma sextile valentine / karma trine valentine / karma septile valentine / karma novile valentine / karma quintile valentine, Karma conjunct alma / karma sextile alma / karma trine alma/ karma septile alma / karma novile alma / karma quintile alma, Karma conjunct descendant / karma sextile descendant / karma trine descendant/ karma septile descendant / karma novile descendant/ karma quintile descendant, Karma conjunct juno / karma sextile juno / karma trine juno / karma septile juno/ karma novile juno / karma quintile juno, Pan conjunct sun / pan trine sun / pan sextile sun / pan septile sun / pan novile sun / pan quintile sun, Pan conjunct moon / pan trine moon/ pan sextile moon / pan septile moon / pan novile moon / pan quintile moon, Pan conjunct ascendant / pan trine ascendant / pan sextile ascendant / pan septile ascendant / pan novile ascendant / pan quintile ascendant, Pan conjunct alma / pan trine alma / pan sextile alma / pan septile alma/ pan novile alma / pan quintile alma. Sometimes, there is an element of control that is confused with love. It is one of the Luminaries, and as such, touches every area of our lives. The Moon conjunct the Moon in synastry creates a deep and powerful bond between two people. I think he feels the same or similar, but we pretend that theres nothing special between us. Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit. I abhor the fact that people use the bond in such a devious manner, and make it harder for others in a similar situation to trust that their partner isnt doing the same. This aspect does dictate a karmic connection with a lot of potential for growth and change. However neither one of us has tried to leave the other and I imagine that will be a awful experience with the potential to go so bad so fast in just about anyway conceivable. They are not for the faint-hearted! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It means he values you less than a stranger! This unique and tricky aspect often confuses astrologers because of its good and bad implications. For entertainment purposes only Moon in the fifth house brings a fun, loving, pleasureful type of energy to any relationship. Conjunction: Moon Conjunct Pluto. Both of you can benefit tremendously from this relationship. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. Their mars conjunct my south node. A personal interaction or event may trigger a memory or emotion buried deeply in your subconscious. Each aspect is worth 1 point. I am interested in someone I share this aspect with, and since Im the Moon person, I wasnt sure if the interest ran both ways. Moon can see the house partner as maybe theirdream guy or girl, feeling like the house person is the answer to all their hopes and dreams. Yes, I have this aspect with my boss at work and also many more plutonian aspects with him (venus square pluto, sun square pluto etc.). Even though there can be a deep bond between the two, there is also a competitive nature to them. When you see Moon conjunct Pluto Synastry, there is a magnetic attraction in a relationship. Emotional reactions of the Moon person however can have a huge influence on the house partner. See a recent post on Tumblr from @sheeeetux11 about pluto moon aspects. We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. 1. It bothers them that the Pluto person is in control, however, they often go to great heights to please them. Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion. This is not a simple or easy synastry. Pluto is known as a dark planet, and there are definitely some dark qualities to it. There is an intensity that comes with this synastry that most people cannot handle as the two may want to spend a lot of time together, if this is a romantic connection the two may move in quickly together. Thats heartening. Over time, one or both of you may get manipulative or play power games. Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mars/Venus/Uranus/Pluto and moon square Neptune Moon conjunct north node/south node/juno/vertex Venus conjunct . Ariel NOA. Yet I cant seem leave him nor him leave me. If the Pluto person feels that the relationship is about to end, they might use manipulative tactics to hold them back. Which leads us to the next point: power struggles in a Plutonian relationship. Ultimately with the Pluto conjunct Moon aspect, you can learn to penetrate each others boundaries in a meaningful, logical way without being controlling or petty. It is the only way for it to work and not be awful. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. There is a risk of Moon person becoming a martyr type in this overlay. Often, we build up fake personalities. House person just enjoys all the eccentric things about the Moon partner and loves to be there for them in some form of support. Moon person may in some way promote the house partner and help them feel confident and help with their career. Before you do a synastry it is imperative you first check the natal charts individually. For what? With the Pluto square Moon synastry aspect, your relationship will be fated but it will also involve some power struggles. There can be a romantic attraction, especially if the moon is conjunct with the house persons DC, but this can also be great for a business partnership. Moon conjunct Pluto transit brings such deep feelings that they can overwhelm you. Your partner will consciously, or unconsciously, attempt to control and influence you with this aspect. pluto-mars, pluto-moon, pluto-venus sexual attraction .. intense . Couples with the Pluto square Moon synastry aspect sometimes need to seek therapy or counseling to resolve their emotion issues and deep fears. However, these aspects can also be painful. Pluto is the alchemist of astrology, it has the ability to transform events and people. You dont know what is down there waiting for you. If you know what the Moon shows in the birth chart, you know why. My relationship is the same way we try our hardest to be honest with each other. The Pluto trine Moon synastry aspect creates a powerful bond that can feel karmic, whether or not this is actually true. The Moon conjunct Pluto in the natal chart denotes that you are very emotional by nature and this penetrates your motivation, as well as those in a relationship with you. It can be hard to argue with an Earth moon while emotional, but frustration over rock meets immovable object is likely. We are moon conjunct moon exact and moon pluto conjunct at two degrees. And also know to be true as we have disucssed a lot of this stuff! BUT as long as they feel like they have Some emotional control over me , like that I belong to them ( I.e I only want them) they are chill if not they fret then they get manipulative. The . With the exception of me being the intense Pluto person & the one that knows everything about him, all the qualities of the Moon are what I am experiencing, and rest of the Pluto qualities (minus the 2 Pluto qualities I noted above) are how I am experiencing him. With a parent and child, especially when that parent is the mother/figure, the blurred lines can be extremely disruptive for learning how to handle emotional boundaries. Both have emotional issues that they should try to work through together. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. @moonseyeastrology /, Moon conjunct Sun / Moon quintile Sun / Moon septile Sun / Moon novile Sun / moon sextile sun / moon trine sun / moon opposite sun, Moon conjunct moon / moon sextile moon / moon trine moon / moon septile moon / moon novile moon / moon quintile moon / moon opposite moon, Moon conjunct ascendant / moon sextile ascendant / moon trine ascendant / moon septile ascendant / moon novile ascendant / moon quintile ascendant, moon conjunct descendant / moon sextile descendant / moon trine descendant / moon septile descendant / moon novile descendant / mon quintile descendant, Sun conjunct ascendant / sun quintile ascendant /sun septile ascendant / sun novile ascendant sun sextile ascendant / sun trine ascendant, Sun conjunct descendant / sun quintile descendant /sun septile descendant / sun novile descendant / sun sextile descendant / sun trine descendant, Venus conjunct ascendant / venus trine ascendant / venus sextile ascendant / venus quintile ascendant / venus septile ascendant / venus novile ascendant, Venus conjunct descendant / venus sextile descendant / venus trine descendant / venus septile descendant /venus novile descendant /venus quintile descendant, Moon conjunct venus / moon septile venus / moon sextile venus / moon trine venus / moon novile venus / moon quintile venus / moon opposite venus, Neptune conjunct ascendant / neptune trine ascendant / neptune sextile ascendant / neptune septile ascendant / neptune novile ascendant / neptune quintile ascendant, Moon conjunct pluto / moon trine pluto / moon sextile pluto / moon septile pluto / moon novile pluto / moon quintile pluto, Sun conjunct pluto / sun trine pluto / sun sextile pluto / sun septile pluto / sun novile pluto / sun quintile pluto, Venus conjunct pluto / venus sextile pluto/venus trine pluto / venus septile pluto / venus novile pluto / venus quintile pluto, Mercury conjunct pluto / mercury sextile pluto / mercury trine pluto / mercury septile pluto / mercury novile pluto / mercury quintile pluto, Venus conjunct mars / venus sextile mars / venus trine mars / venus septile mars / venus quintile mars / venus novile mars, Moon conjunct neptune / moon sextile neptune / moon trine neptune / moon septile neptune/ moon novile neptune / moon quintile neptune, Sun conjunct neptune / sun trine neptune / sun sextile neptune / sun septile neptune / sun novile neptune / sun quintile neptune, Sun Conjunct venus / sun sextile venus / sun trine venus / sun septile venus / sun novile venus / sun quintile venus / sun opposite venus, Moon conjunct mars / moon trine mars / moon sextile mars / moon septile mars / moon novile mars / moon quintile mars / moon opposite mars, Pluto conjunct ascendant / pluto sextile ascendant / pluto trine ascendant / pluto novile ascendant / pluto septile ascendant / pluto quintile ascendant, Venus conjunct neptune / venus trine neptune / venus sextile neptune / venus septile neptune/ venus novile neptune / venus quintile neptune, Moon conjunct saturn / moon trine saturn / moon sextile saturn / moon septile saturn / moon novile saturn / moon quintile saturn, Sun conjunct saturn / sun trine saturn / sun sextile saturn / sun septile saturn / sun novile saturn / sun quintile saturn, Venus conjunct saturn / venus trine saturn / venus sextile saturn / venus septile saturn / venus novile saturn / venus quintile saturn, Neptune conjunct saturn / neptune trine saturn / neptune sextile saturn / neptune septile saturn / neptune novile saturn / neptune quintile saturn, Venus conjunct uranus / venus trine uranus / venus sextile uranus / venus novile uranus / venus quintile uranus / venus septile uranus, Moon conjunct uranus / moon trine uranus / moon sextile uranus / moon septile uranus / moon novile uranus / moon quintile uranus, Saturn conjunct ascendant / saturn trine ascendant / saturn sextile ascendant / saturn novile ascendant / saturn septile ascendant / saturn quintile ascendant, Ic conjunct moon /ic trine moon / ic sextile moon / ic septile moon / ic novile moon / ic quintile moon / ic opposite moon, Ic conjunct sun /ic trine sun / ic sextile sun / ic septile sun / ic novile sun / ic quintile sun ic / ic opposite sun, Juno conjunct moon / juno trine moon / juno sextile moon /juno novile moon / juno septile moon / juno quintile moon, Juno conjunct sun / juno trine sun / juno sextile sun /juno novile sun / juno septile sun / juno quintile sun, Juno conjunct venus / juno trine venus / juno sextile venus /juno novile venus / juno septile venus / juno quintile venus, Juno conjunct neptune / juno trine neptune / juno sextile neptune /juno novile neptune / juno septile neptune / juno quintile neptune, Juno conjunct jupiter / juno sextile jupiter / juno trine jupiter / juno septile jupiter / juno novile jupiter / juno quintile jupiter, Juno conjunct saturn / juno sextile saturn / juno trine saturn / juno novile saturn / juno septile saturn / juno quintile saturn, Valentine conjunct Sun / valentine trine sun / valentine sextile sun / valentine septile sun / valentine novile sun / valentine quintile sun /, Valentine conjunct moon / valentine trine moon / valentine sextile moon / valentine septile moon / valentine novile moon / valentine quintile moon, Valentine conjunct venus / valentine trine venus / valentine sextile valentine / valentine novile venus / valentine septile venus / valentine quintile venus, Valentine conjunct jupiter / valentine trine jupiter / valentine sextile jupiter / valentine septile jupiter / valentine novile jupiter / valentine quintile jupiter, Valentine conjunct neptune / valentine trine neptune / valentine sextile neptune / valentine novile neptune / valentine septile neptune / valentine quintile neptune, Valentine conjunct saturn / valentine trine saturn / valentine sextile saturn / valentine novile saturn / valentine quintile saturn / valentine septile saturn, Alma conjunct moon / alma trine moon / alma sextile moon / alma novile moon / alma septile moon / alma quintile, Alma conjunct ic / alma trine ic/ alma sextile ic / alma novile ic / alma septile ic / alma quintile ic, Alma conjunct north node / alma trine trine north node / alma sextile north node/ alma novile north node / alma septile north node / alma quintile north node, Alma conjunct valentine / alma trine valentine/ alma sextile valentine / alma novile valentine / alma septile valentine / alma quintile valentine, Alma conjunct juno / alma trine juno / alma sextile juno / alma novile juno / alma septile juno / alma quintile juno, Alma conjunct amor / alma sextile amor / alma trine amor / alma septile amor / alma novile amor / alma quintile amor, Alma conjunct cupido / alma sextile cupido / alma trine cupido / alma septile cupido / alma novile cupido /alma quintile cupido, Valentine conjunct ascendant / valentine trine ascendant / valentine sextile ascendant / valentine septile ascendant / valentine novile ascendant / valentine quintile ascendant, Venus conjunct chiron / venus sextile chiron / venus trine chiron / venus septile chiron / venus novile chiron / venus quintile chiron, moon conjunct chiron / moon sextile chiron / moon trine chiron / moon septile chiron / moon novile chiron / moon quintile chiron, neptune conjunct chiron / neptune sextile chiron / neptune trine chiron / neptune septile chiron / neptune novile chiron / neptune quintile chiron, Valentine conjunct north node / valentine trine north node / valentine sextile north node / valentine septile north node / valentine novile north node / valentine quintile north node, Amor conjunct sun / amor sextile sun / amor trine sun / amor septile sun / amor novile sun / sun quintile sun, Amor conjunct moon / amor sextile moon / amor trine moon / amor septile moon / amor novile moon / amor quintile moon, Anteros conjunct moon / anteros trine moon / anteros sextile moon / anteros septile moon / anteros novile moon / anteros quintile moon, Cupido conjunct valentine / cupido sextile valentine / cupido trine valentine / cupido septile valentine / cupido novile valentine / cupido quintile valentine, Juno conjunct ascendant / juno sextile ascendant / juno trine ascendant / juno septile ascendant / juno novile ascendant / juno quintile ascendant, Juno conjunct descendant / juno sextile descendant / juno trine descendant / juno septile descendant / juno novile descendant / juno quintile descendant, Erato conjunct sun / erato sextile sun / erato trine sun / erato septile sun/ erato novile sun / erato quintile sun, Erato conjunct moon / erato sextile moon / erato trine moon / erato septile moon / erato novile moon / erato quintile moon, Erato conjunct venus/ erato sextile venus / erato trine venus / erato septile venus/ erato novile venus / erato quintile venus, Erato conjunct neptune/ erato sextile neptune / erato trine neptune / erato septile neptune / erato novile neptune / erato quintile neptune, Erato conjunct ascendant / erato sextile ascendant / erato trine ascendant / erato septile ascendant / erato novile ascendant/ erato quintile ascendant, Erato conjunct saturn/ erato sextile saturn/ erato trine saturn/ erato septile saturn / erato novile saturn / erato quintile saturn, Eros conjunct Psyche / eros trine psyche / eros sextile psyche / eros septile psyche / eros novile psyche / eros quintile psyche / eros opposite psyche, Eros conjunct moon / eros trine moon / eros sextile moon / eros septile moon / eros novile moon / eros quintile moon, Eros conjunct venus / eros trine venus / eros sextile venus / eros septile venus/ eros novile venus/ eros quintile venus, Eros conjunct isis/ eros trine isis / eros sextile isis / eros septile isis / eros novile isis / eros quintile isis, Eros conjunct osiris / eros trine osiris / eros sextile osiris / eros septile osiris / eros novile osiris / eros quintile osiris, Eros conjunct neptune / eros trine neptune/ eros sextile neptune/ eros septile netune/ eros novile neptune / eros quintile neptune, Osiris conjunct isis / osiris trine isis / osiris sextile isis / osiris septile isis / osiris novile isis / osiris quintile isis / osiris opposite isis, Psyche conjunct moon / psyche trine moon / psyche sextile moon / psyche septile moon / psyche novile moon / psyche quintile moon, Pallas conjunct moon / pallas trine moon / pallas sextile moon / pallas septile moon / pallas novile moon / pallas quintile moon It results in powerful energy called a conjunction occurs when the Moon person really is, and passive-aggressive behaviors transformative! 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