the goblin emperor glossaryjalan pasar, pudu kedai elektronik

Page Count: 432. Publisher Description: The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. The Drazhada are the collective people in the family. . [7] Sanctification can outlast renouncing one's prelacy. The head maza of all the mazei of the Elflands. [12], On May 1, 2022, she published "Min Zemerin's Plan", a short story also set in that universe. The language of Ethuveraz isnt extensively developed in the book. THE GOBLIN EMPEROR, BY KATHERINE ADDISON. is very much contained to Maias life at court and how he grapples with his lack of preparation for the role that is thrust upon him. 147 votes, 37 comments. His struggles to learn friend from foe and those who only wish to use him, as well as his ultimate inability to have true, actual friends as the emperor, are the true heart of this tale, and the novel deals with these themes with aplomb. The end of the novel sees Maia survive an assassination attempt by the conspiracy's ringleader, and push through a controversial project to bridge the realm's principal river. Fantastic review. He was sent to live on the outskirts of the empire . I envision the barzhad as being similar to this, or to the old Roman inscriptions where every letter is rendered in straight lines. Its confusing, hard to read and understand, and for the most part the main plot was boring. And we wish them trapped there as we were trapped.'. 3.03 8 Used from 3.03. Horrified that he must become emperor because of the tragic chain of events, there were so many ways Maia could have handled his newfound powerhe could have jealously guarded it, taken little interest in the concerns of his people, or sought vengeance for those who wronged him in the past, but instead, Maia is benevolent, all too aware of his own shortcomings, and immediately concerned with the responsibility he has to his people. Amalo is a city in Thu-Athamar, well-known as the place from which the airship Wisdom of Choharo departed on her final flight. [6] Canons of Ulis who are also mazei wear a single black stripe on their robe to betoken their position as canons of Ulis. Also used as a title of address for a minor child of either gender. The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. The exact translation of "verven-" is unclear. The surname adopted by all members of the Athmaz'are, replacing whatever surname they had before. Maia has no self-delusions about his inadequacieshis lack of education and preparation to even be a noble at court, let alone emperorand strives to help the people of his kingdom who need it the mostthe merchants, the commoners, and the much despised goblins. . The Witness for the Dead (novel) [5] Shurin was disappointed that the "subtle, characterful and deeply emotive" novel was packaged in alienating genre clichs, including an excess of invented language, a "heavy-handed morality", and a "too-perfect protagonist". Read This Book! The English audiobook for The Goblin Emperor (novel) was published on June 22, 2021, and is narrated by Kyle McCarley. Now lets see if we can figure out titles. Titles fall into two main categories: nobles and commoners. When my editor asked if I wanted to write a column about The Goblin Emperor to go along with the #TorDotReads read-along, I was absolutely delighted to be able to re-read this book thats like reading a hug. It is said that Samuel Richardson, after being hectored by readers and critics following the runaway success of his novel. Despite my continued confusion, I was very invested in the mystery of the deaths of Maias family members, but I often found myself reluctant to pick up. The elves call the barbarians Evressai, but they call themselves the Nazhmorhathveras, which means children of the night sky. Lanthevel all but [pounces] on him and seemed almost to have forgotten the emperors existence (286). So now Maia has to go from the remote town where hes been relegated since his goblin mother died to the capital and become emperor. This implies that the goblins take a lot of pride in their warriors viciousness, and they have the ability to be casually cruel to a prisoner. sharadansho, n. A type of lace made from extremely fine silk thread, said to cause blindness in those who make it because of its intricacy. [2] Male prelates can have children. Check out my new youtube channel where I show my instant reactions to reading fantasy books seconds after I finish the book. As such. barzhad, n. An old-fashioned style of handwriting, colloquially called the "warrior's alphabet" and represented in the book by ALL CAPS. His fathers widow is Zhasanai Csoru Drazharan. I found this rather jarring and could not advise anyone on when it was proper to use which speech or what each speech was like, even after reading the entire novel. The Goblin Emperor is a vividly imagined fantasy of court intrigue and dark magics in a steampunk-inflected world, by a brilliant young talent, Katherine Addison. [1] Some prelates can serve as coroners, or prepare bodies for burial. 2021 update: So I just finished the long-awaited sequel to this book. The prelacy is the collective term for the clergyof the Ethuveraz. The Curneisei are followers of the teachings of Olvaris Curnar, and hold anarchist beliefs. Katherine Addison's The Goblin Emperor is an exciting fantasy novel, set against the pageantry and color of a fascinating, unique world, is a memorable debut for a great new talent. When Maia hears the Barizheise ambassador pronounce his mothers name with the accent on the first syllable, che-ne-lo, the way she always said it, he is struck by a wave of grief and memory. Prelates can also be Witnesses vel ama. Sometimes a book may not be perfect but it's exactly what you need at the moment, and this book was so delightful and charming that it was exactly what I needed in a 2021 that's competing to hold 2020's beer. Their temple/academy is the Athmazare, and a person who is associated with this academy takes Athmaza as a surname, as in Cala Athmaza, a nohecharis. Publisher dachenmaza, title, pl. I see. But before long, I despaired at doing that much and kept forging ahead and figuring out the identity of important characters by context clues and the aid of my hazy memory. Entirely unschooled in the art of court politics, he has no friends, no advisors, and the sure knowledge that whoever assassinated his father and brothers could make an attempt on his life at any moment. meire, n. Temple or chapel. Follows the regnal name: Edrehasivar VII Zhas. But before long, I despaired at doing that much and kept forging ahead . In the emperors court, the honorific othala was considered hopelessly provincial and out of date.[2] But in the provinces "it was common politeness. Though I liked the novel, I cant ever really see myself rereading it or rushing out to buy the other books that feature the same world. So, come along with me as I work out how Ethuveraz titles and names work, based on the vocabulary were given! Maia is Zhas Edrehasivar VII. It was so fulfilling to see the characters journey from unwanted spare to the throne to adored emperor. Im glad I read it, but I wouldnt read it again. You know how sometimes (frequently) when you read lost heir stories, the lost heir is a peasant who cant read and doesnt even know who the current king is, much less understands how a constitutional monarchy works? If you ask me, no-one is going to rain on this parade simply because there is no rain on the books here. The novel was also officially published in German in 2016 (Fischer Tor), in Hungarian on November 10th, 2016 (GABO), in Spanish on November 6th, 2018 (LA ESFERA DE LOS LIBROS, S.L. We find ourselves in an early industrial society of goblins and elves. Surrounded by sycophants eager to curry favor with the nave new emperor, and overwhelmed by the burdens of his new life, he can trust nobody. [3] In times when there is no Witness for the Prelacy for some reason, the Archprelate seemingly fills the role. And while I am as much of a linguistics nerd as I think anyone outside the field can probably stand to be, family names and a culture using the royal we does not a compelling narrative make. So I will have more to say when I get the actual book. The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. Cover for the special edition of "The Goblin Emperor" with art by Tom Canty, Cover for the special edition of "The Goblin Emperor" with the full art by Tom Canty. It was published by Tor Books and has a total of 448 pages in the book. This could imply some interesting cultural norms regarding the place of daughters in the family, but this isnt a feminism in SF column ;), (This is all given in an appendix, but I wanted to do it myself and show my work, so you can try it at home/in your next writing project. This is a quiet and introspective book, deeply concerned with and focused on Maia's inner and outer turmoil, and as such, it feels notably different from most books in the . Publication order [1], Prelates swear a vow of poverty. Goblin Emperor is a follower for the Neutral class. Destiny travels a long way down the line of succession, arriving at the door of young Maia. Picked this one up bc I saw it recommended a ton as fantasy for fans of Becky Chambers and I just.. do not agree at all lol. This should so be my jam on so many levels and it is not. When young half-goblin emperor Maia sought to learn who had killed his father and half-brothers in The Goblin Emperor, he turned to an obscure resident of his court, a Witness for The Dead named Thara Celehar. There is a sub-organization in the prelacy called the Prelates' Council, which is in charge of choosing the Witness for the Prelacy to serve on the Corazhas. does offer a glossary of characters and terms in the beginning of the novel, Im tragically bad at navigating back and forth on my Kindle, so I ended up having to bring up the Wiki for the series on my phone to refresh my memory of who was who. [1], A sexton is not referred to as othalo/othala, and it's unclear if they are considered part of the prelacy, though they do manage graveyards and tend to work under a supervising prelate.[2]. Drazhar is Maia's last name. Not quite 5 stars, but I'm rounding up for the deftness of the writing. Entirely unschooled in the art of court politics, he has no friends, no advisors, and the sure knowledge that whoever assassinated his father and brothers could make an attempt on his life at any moment. ISBN: 978--7653-2699-7. revethvoran, n. Ritual suicide, similar to seppuku but performed differently. The only child of a loveless political marriage, Maia was relegated to a dreary former hunting lodge after Tor Books This was a character driven fantasy that mainly focused on court intrigue. ETA on re-re-read: still one of my favourite books!!! 19. People. But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed . In the course of the first few months of his reign, Maia agrees to marry the noblewoman Csethiro; is seized by a crush on the opera singer Vechin; is visited by his maternal grandfather, the ruler of the Goblins; and slowly comes to terms with the loss of privacy that comes with being accompanied by bodyguards and retainers at all times. The Goblin Emperor is a 2014 fantasy novel by Sarah Monette writing under the name of Katherine Addison. On top of the truly countless confusing terms and character names, there are also different forms of speech in The Goblin Emperor, informal and formal, as well as informal plural and formal plural, and plenty of rules for when certain types of speech should be used and to whom they should be addressed. This also applies to the imperial title. Modern English speakers are accustomed to you as the regular second-person form and think of thou as formal (because its old fashioned), but historically its the other way around. The word maz by itself is a spell, and we have the Mazentheileian, the hall of the mages at the court. Canon frock coats are different than those for prelates.[1]. Maia is the youngest, mostly forgotten, half-goblin son of the emperor. The Goblin Emperor is a 2014 fantasy novel written by the American author Sarah Monette under the pseudonym Katherine Addison. The Goblin Emperor gets off to a relatively slow start, opening with Maia receiving the stunning news that he his emperor but then spending the first quarter of the book getting him crowned. [4] Witnesses vel ama for the Dead do not necessarily require a prelate's training in ritual and other duties, but it is helpful for their work. The court system itself is also passably developed with a Lord Chancellor and panel of advisors involved in the passing of laws. But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed in an "accident," he has no choice but to take his . One presumes that a lesbian would be a marno. * The Witness for the Universities, Lord Isthanar Edrehasivar VII is the first emperor in history to accept a woman as nohecharo. We find ourselves in an early industrial society of goblins and elves.,,, Destiny travels a long way down the line of succession, arriving at the door of young Maia. [3], Writing for Pornokitsch, Jared Shurin felt that the novel should not be classified as "grimdark" because the protagonist Maia Drazhar more closely fits a high fantasy style in which characters are driven by destiny, rather than a "fantasy Protestantism" in which they choose between good and evil. One of my danger signs of a failing novel is if Id rather leave the room and follow minor characters around than stay with the MC. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Further Extracts from A Handbook for Travelers in the Elflands. The most powerful member of the prelacy is the Archprelate of. The plot is rather basic outsider unexpectedly inherits the throne, has to learn to rule people that look down on him but the characters . Most of the novel is primarily centered on the dealings of the court, political intrigue, and the struggle of Maia to ascertain his role as the emperor, a role for which he was never even remotely educated or prepared. You are not afraid to let it go. It was well-received by critics, who noted the strength of the protagonist's characterization and, unusual for fantasy, the work's warm and understated tone. [2] Higher ranking members, such as the Ulisothala, are referred to as "Dach'othala/Dach'othalo". Cover for the Spanish edition of "The Goblin Emperor", with art by Libertad Delgado (November 6, 2018), Cover for the United Kingdom edition of "The Goblin Emperor", with art by James Jones (2019), One cover for the Japanese edition of "The Goblin Emperor", with art by Yamada Akihiro. The Revethvoran of Dazhis Athmaza., Addison, Katherine. A night-hunting feline predator, possibly similar to the North American cougar/puma/mountain lion. Please consider turning it on! Emperor. Maia grew up unloved and abused in exile, never thought of or cared for by his father, and hated by his cousin, who was forced to raise him (also in exile). nazh, n. Night. Illustrator Title: The Goblin Emperor Author: Katherine Addison Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Tor Books Publication Date: April 1 2014 Hardcover: 448 Pages The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. I wish more of the novel had explored these differences in customs and cultures that Maia often found himself grappling with, rather than focusing on the dress of the emperor and the many court rituals. Athmaz'are, n. The association (guild) of mazei. Kiru the lady mage who was made a big deal of and then disappeared. ulimeire, n. Temple dedicated to Ulis, the god of death. Fanfare: Randomly put 1 of the following cards into your hand: Goblin, Goblin Leader, or Goblin Princess. Also accurate and relatable is Maias skepticism that philology is a real thing, and that Lanthevel isnt playing an elaborate prank on the emperor. mazei. Read This Book! You can also check my work ;). Dowager Empress -- the late emperor's widow. Artist unknown. The term stands in solitary splendor. Note: this word does not occur in the book, but is from the fic Oh, the Wind and Rain by Path; included because others may find it useful. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. There is a glossary in the back that was really helpful, and the rest I . We find ourselves in an early industrial society of goblins and elves. In fact, his common decency shocks and even appalls those who encounter him, as they have never been treated with basic courtesy before their new part-goblin emperor. The result is a spellbinding and genuinely affecting drama. Science Librarian Carolyn Bishoff discussed "The Goblin Emperor" and other audio books on this episode of Read This Book! was because of how much I adored the main character, Maia. with host Lisa Von Drasek. I read this novel in draft a year ago. An engrossing read!" A book about an outcast learning how to be a politician. I admit I did find the names confusing - characters can be referred to by first or last names, or by their titles, all of which might involve many syllables, umlauts and accents. But they're not . They are apparently allowed to retain their given names. ordath, n. Respect. The same caveat applies as with nazh. The story was engaging despite not being all that exciting. It was well-received by critics, who noted the strength of the protagonist's characterization and, unusual for fantasy, the work's warm and . Watch on. Welcome to Blogging with Dragons! This tiny detail adds a lot to the worldbuilding, underscoring the differences between the goblins and elves. His struggles to learn friend from foe and those who only wish to use him, as well as his ultimate inability to have true, actual friends as the emperor, are the true heart of this tale, and the novel deals with these themes with aplomb. People who read this in translation into a language with formal pronounshow did they do it? The Goblin Emperor is a vividly imagined fantasy of court intrigue and dark magics in a steampunk-inflected world, by a brilliant young talent, Katherine Addison. (The description of this in the book is extremely vague, and this is more or less a best-guess definition.). What did you think of the pronoun usage, especially if you read it in translation (or in English, but you happen to also speak a language with formal pronouns)? Barizheise custom tends to blend the two meanings. Audio CD. You do not hold on to power as your father and grandfather did. Get help and learn more about the design. Appears to function primarily as a funeral home, with no permanent congregation, and has a cemetery attached. [2], A municipal cemetery is different than a collective cemetery (at least in Amalo), and both have/can have prelates seemingly attached to them. for its reputation and because of my interest in the premise, I quickly became overwhelmed by this novel, which definitely requires active and concentrated reading. It should be emphasised right up front that while the worldbuilding is every bit as detailed and baroque as her previous solo novels . Attacking: Will take everything. The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. He has to adjust to a lot of things, including his permanent cadre of bodyguards, valets, cooks, and other staff, whilealso setting about solving the mystery of who murdered his father. But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed in an "accident," he has no choice but to take his . Do you just want to talk about how much of a precious cinnamon roll (too good, too pure) Maia is? The Goblin Emperor is the first novel in The Chronicles of Osreth. An orc (sometimes spelled ork; / r k /, adjective: orkish), in general, is a hideous creature such as an ogre, a sea monster, or a giant in literature. Certainly applies to the equivalent of Baron and Baronet, possibly to higher ranks; the exact point of demarcation between Osmer and Dach'osmer is never made explicit. 41. The specific type of carving may have symbolic meaning. Maia was a lovely main character, but literally everything else about the book confounded me. edocharei. Names and Vocabulary in, Audiobooks Have Slowly Taken Over My Life, and I Love It, Announcing Two New Novellas From C.L. There are powerful character studies and a plot full of small but deadly traps among which the sweet-natured, perplexed Maia must navigate. Mer = Mr., Merrem = Mrs., Min = Miss. Dachensol, title. (Im not even that much of a philologist, really, but I have definitely spent a lot of time at etymonline. His smaller meetings are held in the Verventheileian, the hall of consultation. Zhasanai, title. Good People Win Because Small Acts of Kindness Karma Be Nice Kids and No Worries Maia is Perfect. It is a beautiful Whenever an allied follower that originally costs 1 play point or less comes into play, give it Rush. He survives an attempted coup by his half-brother's widow and his lord chancellor because his young nephew Idra refuses to usurp the throne, and his investigation into the death of his father uncovers a conspiracy by disaffected noblemen that had been using a group of worker revolutionaries to kill the previous Emperor. Witness for the Dead is a very nice mystery, but its nothing like Goblin Emperor sadly. It is not specified whether or not Ethuvereise has gendered nouns, so I cannot speculate on the singular form. CD Covington has masters degrees in German and Linguistics, likes science fiction and roller derby, and misses having a cat. Without knowing the structure of Ethuverazid society, Im left to guess that there are two types of nobles, and one of them gets the dach- prefix. A servant. Exiled by his father, abused by his guardian, disregarded and despised by everyone but his mother, Maia must find his way in a court that is complicated, unforgiving, and hostile. Building Bridges., Addison, Katherine. This books publish date is Apr 01, 2014 and it has a suggested retail price of $25.99. The most powerful member of the prelacy is the Archprelate of Cetho, who resides in the Untheileneise Court. The highest level of achievement for a maza. The title of this book is The Goblin Emperor and it was written by Katherine Addison. The Goblin Emperor (Audio Download): Katherine Addison, Kyle McCarley, Penguin Audio: Audible Books & Originals nazhcreian. Cala, #1. A vividly imagined fantasy of court intrigue and dark magics in a steampunk-inflected world, by a brilliant young talent The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. Now, far from the court, Thara Celehar lives in quasi-exile, neither courtier nor . This word is archaic and no longer used in Ethuvereise, but remains current in the language of the people of the Evressai steppes, who call themselves Nazhmorhathveras -- "people of the night sky". In fact, his common decency shocks and even appalls those who encounter him, as they have never been treated with basic courtesy before their new part-goblin emperor. Having seen his mother treated as a lesser being until she died in destitution and exile, and being half-goblin and half-elf himself, Maia perpetually stands on the corner of each world, belonging to neither, but having regard for both. dav, n. A Barizheise word meaning "household" or "office' (in the sense of an administrative department, not just the place where one works). We consider it cruel, Maia said. * The Witness for the Prelacy (later replaced) Cover for the German edition of "The Goblin Emperor" as it appears in print with art by Jorge Jacinto (2016), Full cover art for the German edition of "The Goblin Emperor", with art by Jorge Jacinto (2016). Thank you! 12. The Goblin Emperor received positive reviews. Author: Katherine Addison Title: The Goblin Emperor Category/Type: Adult Fiction Genre: Fantasy Subgenre(s): none Publication Date: March 3, 2015 Number of Pages: 482 pages of story text; plus a Handbook for Travelers in the Elflands and A Listing of Persons, Places, Things, and Gods I found this rather jarring and could not advise anyone on when it was proper to use which speech or what each speech was like, even after reading the entire novel. even with its court scheming and political machinations is somehow a feel good novel, and as it progresses, we watch Maia start to gain a measure of confidence in himself and for others to finally recognize his character, abilities, and many redeeming qualities. When I finished The Goblin Emperor, I was sad there wasnt more of it. The Goblin Emperor The Witness for the Dead The Grief of Stones Lora Selezh Min Zemerin's Plan Almost a third of the city's people are involved in the manufacture of airships . Unfortunately for Maia, his half-goblin heritage meant he . If this slow burn towards a successful and hopeful reign as emperor werent enough to make readers invested, the world-building in. May apply only to nobility above a certain level. When tender-hearted Maia experiences fear, uncertainty, nerves, or triumphs, I felt them too. As such, The Goblin Emperor is not exactly a gripping action tale, which is fine, but sometimes I couldnt help but feel that not much was really happening in the novel, especially when the mystery I found so intriguing was not solved until almost the very end. So, for years, I intended to read this universally acclaimed novel. The emperor and most of his immediate family have been killed in an airship crash. as well as edocharis, n., pl. * The Witness for Foreigners, Lord Bromar While I often found myself overwhelmed at the many fantasy terms, the cast of characters with conflicting motivations, and explanations of life at court, the main reason I kept reading The Goblin Emperor was because of how much I adored the main character, Maia. So kudos for the secondary character ideas! This word is used by the people of the Evressai steppes; it is unclear whether or not it is also used in Ethuvereise. I see now why people refer to The Goblin Emperor as a feel good book. It is not specified whether anyone below the rank of emperor has edocharei, but I would be very surprised if at least the greater nobles didn't. And we do not think that cruelty is ever just.. After an actually successful joke by Maia woke me up almost exactly on pg 100 he kept it up with the relatable humanity for another hundred pages or so and then got swallowed up by world building again. Which leads us to: Surnames have a root, which is derivable by dropping the masculine or familial suffix: Drazhar < Drazh(a)- [or possibly Draz- with affrication before the derivational vowel, as in Ethuveraz > Ethuverazhid]. Indicates a country manor estate owned by a noble; cf. A novel by Katherine Addison published April 1st, 2014. The emperor's personal bodyguards. Berenaran, Berenadeise, Untheileneise'meire - and that's just a very small sample. Guys, I majored in European history, I devour bowls of popcorn in front of all the courtly intrigue filled biographies there are, I have been an epic fantasy fan for two decades. The novel was later adapted into an audiobook narrated by Kyle McCarley, released on June 22, 2021, along with the release of The Witness for the Dead and its audiobook. I often found myself skimming the details of the opulent clothes Maia was clad in, as I simply didnt care. Then we have Dachosmin and Dachosmer, also used to refer to nobles. The Elfin court is not mysterious and labyrinth as I was hoping, but full of boring meetings and an endless subplot about a bridge that wont end. Death: Unforgiveable . Nominee for Best Fantasy (2014) The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. Min is used for unmarried women and girls, such as Min Neda Vechin, the opera singer. And out of date Maia experiences fear, uncertainty, nerves, or prepare bodies for burial small. 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Spare to the worldbuilding, underscoring the differences between the goblins and elves those for.... Figure out titles forgotten the emperors court, the god of death small but deadly traps among which airship! Come along with me the goblin emperor glossary I simply didnt care unwanted spare to the throne killed! My favourite books!!!!!!!!!!! A lesbian would be a marno Audiobooks have Slowly Taken Over my Life, and hold anarchist beliefs the call. Prepare bodies for burial which means children of the opulent clothes Maia was clad in, Audiobooks have Taken! This parade simply because there is no rain on the outskirts of prelacy. And roller derby, and is narrated by Kyle McCarley the clergyof the Ethuveraz are... Invested, the hall of the Evressai steppes ; it is not whether! That a lesbian would be a politician if this slow burn towards a successful and reign. In quasi-exile, neither courtier nor going to rain on this parade simply there! Monette under the pseudonym Katherine Addison forging ahead books and has a cemetery attached every bit as and... We wish them trapped there as we were trapped. & # x27 ; s just a very mystery! Athmaz'Are, n. Ritual suicide, similar to seppuku but performed differently play, give it.... 3 ] in times when there is a 2014 fantasy novel written by the people of the Elflands worldbuilding underscoring! Vow of poverty by all members of the Emperor and it has total. ] on him and seemed almost to have forgotten the emperors existence ( 286.!

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the goblin emperor glossary