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Let them express their fears and concerns before you bring up your explanations. Extend Your mercy to the victims and grant them one more chance to receive Jesus as their Savior. In Jesus' name, amen. Father, as their Creator, You know every cell, bone, and muscle in their bodies. I ask Father, that in Your grace and love, You will spare her from the suffering that this wretched illness is causing and You will help and guide her parents, together with the medical professionals, to care for her and treat her with the medication and help that is most needful. May the Lord, through your intercession, restore perfect health if such be His divine will. For A Child In An Accident Loving Lord, I bring this little life to You and lay it at Your feet. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom. So if youre a parent who has lost a child, whether the loss occurred through miscarriage, crib death, disease, accident, suicide, violence, or natural causes, your childs death has produced enormous trauma and grief for you. I will be forever grateful to You for giving them to me. subject to our Terms of Use. I pray that if they or any family members do not know You as Lord and Savior, please use the insecurities brought on by this accident to bring them into a relationship with You. You are good, and you do good. May they be approved and favored by You. May I look to You first nothing else for comfort and protection. Amen! In Jesus Name, Amen. I pray for a dear friend who is in distress with ill health today and pray that you would help them to come to a full recovery and restore them to wholeness, health and strength.. In Jesus name I pray! Lord, as I care for sick children today, guide me. Amen. Please bless the team of doctors and nurses and help them to restore the life and good health of the victims of this accident. Please protect him and comfort him. Loving Lord, I bring this little life to You and lay it at Your feet. Accept. - Psalm 16:10-11. We pray Dear Lord that you bless the work of the medical team as they try to save their lives and health. If they do not know You as their Savior, then I ask You to make a way for them to know You, so You help them during this crisis. Heavenly Father, as always I start my prayer with nothing but thanksgiving. This makes it important to listen. prayea for my grandaughter who is going through hip surgeryGod I need your powerful handto protect her and heal..l leave you Amy worries and all my faith in your will be a success and she will recover in your loving handsin the name of leave my trust in you to protect my grandaughter Jasmine during and after surgery thank you JesusAmen. Prayers for my children's protection. Romans 8:28. Truly, they are a treasure from You, Lord. Whether you have been in a car accident or just witnessed one, there is no denying the instant feeling of dread and sympathy you have for all of those involved. You gave him to us and for that we are grateful. You need to ask the childs family to actively take part in the childs care. I pray that You remove any stress and distraction the professionals may be dealing with and focus all of their attention on these victims. Try to get plenty of rest. Keep in mind that its normal to not have all the answers. Amen. My son is mixed up with drugs I ask for his total healing and for SATAN to be gone from his life. 5. the Lord turn his face toward youHere is a request for Gods fellowship. Prayer for My Children Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life. Prayer for Enduring Faith Lord of Life, I just witnessed a horrible accident in which I am sure the victims injuries will be severe. Please keep (childs name) from being scared of what is happening all around him/her. In part, it says, Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go. Sometimes people who are suffering need to hear this message, especially if the physical and mental pain is terrible. Precious Heavenly Father: I lift up all the people involved in this accident. Dear God, hold his hand and strengthen his spirit. Let them accept their circumstances, as dire as they may be and find hope in the fact that they are alive today. We beg that you hear our prayers. Prayer for a Victim of Accident or Violence Print Download PDF Lord our God, you are always faithful and quick to show mercy. Help me to trust you, even though I dont understand why this happened. Share your story and ask them if they can help keep an eye out for any signs of stress or behavioral problems among the other children. supports HTML5 video. I pray that they may the find their sufficiency and comfort in You, Whom to know is life eternal. Learn how your comment data is processed. O God,you do not desire the death of a sinner.Protect with your heavenly aidthose who may now be exposed to special temptations. You are the Eternal God. You watch over us faithfully as we go about our daily duties. I pray that gift to be poured out on my children. Prayer For Healing After Car Accident " Oh Lord, please place your healing hands on (the person's name). Give me a new purpose for living and a way to honor my childs life. Speak your word of healing and restoration into my child. Dear Jesus, protect all children from harm. (Romans 12:2) Help us by the power of Your Spirit to think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let our minds dwell on these things. We pray that you grant them strength to face the new changes in their life. I am so grateful to God for sparing your life. Thank You that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. We believe reflecting on our mortality can help us lead more meaningful lives. For information about opting out, click here. Dont let his inability to comprehend such challenges stop him from believing in you and your miracles. I am enraged at you and at this world. Whenever a parent turns to God in his/her grief, God restores life. - by Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one. In Jesus mighty name, amen. My heart is grateful for first responders because when it is Your will, they can actually bring a loved one back from the dead. Enable them to submit to the Spirits control day by day and moment by moment. Dream about accident is a dream of tragedy, calamity and sorrow. I pray that as they go through their sometimes slow healing process, that You will help them remain hopeful throughout it all. Ekalaka child suffers severe burns in freak accident. The Lord bless youThe word bless means to provide favor or benefit. Father, we pray that for our children. Manage your nervous system. Guard my child from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on their life. Today I choose to walk and live under the protection of You, The Most High. Mifflin County Regional Police responded to a scene at 12 p.m. Saturday at the Valley View Christian School, 120 Applehouse Road, Belleville, where they found a [] St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. Please give strength to the family so they can go trought this hard time together and help Rachel to recover. You were with me when I had a car accident and helped me come out alive. Even though this prayer is in the first person, you can easily change it to the third person so that you can pray for another person. I. Amen. It asks that God work through the doctors and nurses to bring healing. Amen. Writing and drawing are great examples. and last updated 2023-02-28 19:57:00-05. Oh Father, my hope,Oh Son, my refuge,Oh Holy Spirit, my protection.Holy Trinity, glory to you. This prayer is for anyone who is in the hospital, no matter the reason. Some of them include, Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy, comfort him with a sense of thy goodness, preserve him from the temptations of the enemy, and give him patience under his affliction.. Dua for Protection from Hardships, Misfortunes, Enemies, and Evil Destiny for followers of Islam, 18. But please watch over them and guard them again mistakes of youth that are unalterable. I trust you, and I honor you. Ease their pain when sick, Strengthen them when weak, and comfort them when afraid. I am trusting in you, O Lord. It may even take an emotional toll on all family members. Help me to recognize it, accept it and embrace it. And when they are suffering, please lay your healing hands on our young one. Whisper in the ears of the children to run and hide until the danger passes. Lord, I pray that You bless the first responders with all they need to sustain the lives of accident victims, according to Your will. Prayer Following the Death of a Child. Thank You for being with them wherever they go. God promises to never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5), Gods plan is to comfort all who mourn (Isaiah 61:2), God says he will exchange ashes and mourning for beauty and joy (Isaiah 1:3), David believed God would reunite him with his dead son (2 Samuel 12:22), Jesus said whoever mourned would be comforted (Matthew 5:4), Our pain will make us strong in the Lord while his power to heals us (Isaiah 3:3), Every persons days are pre-ordained by God, even before birth (Psalm 139:16), God walks with us during the valleys of death and gives us courage (Psalm 23:4), Without Jesus resurrection, there is no resurrection of the dead or gospel message (1 Corinthians 15:1-2). So he/she can enjoy his life next to his family. Thank you father. Utilize the Holy Spirit to question, pray, vent, and process. I bind unto myself the Name,The strong Name of the Trinity;By invocation of the same.The Three in One, and One in Three. Prayer for Medical Team Treating the Victims Healing Lord, I just witnessed an accident, and the victims are on their way to the hospital right now. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. If God didnt understand or accept our expressions of grief, why would the Bible contain so much of it? We pray for your protection and courage so that our spirits never break. Grant now your merciful aid to me and heal Hold this child gently in your hand and help us to await in joyful hope the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. I ask for her totally physically and spiritually healing. In Jesus name, Amen. Lord Jesus, I pray if they do not know You, please open their hearts to trust You. Peace is your essence. - Kill Beran, Father, I want to live in the shadow of Your wing. Meet regularly with a counselor or therapist so you can talk about your child and your grief. We leave everything in your hands, dear Lord. Heal his injuries fully and swiftly. Prayer for Victims to Trust Him Father of Compassion, I know that you are a loving God, and You are aware of everything that happens on this planet. Take away all infections and let her grow strong and healthy. To see children gasping for air or struggling with pain will never be okay. This lengthy prayer asks for the recipient to have a long, satisfying life. It concludes with, There is power in Jesus name and in his precious blood!, This prayer lists many requests. Remove all the pain and fear that this aggressive illness is causing. Help us to grow in the goodness of your kingdom. Help him to have favour with the company, release him from the spirit of addictions, come home as a changed man. Father everything happens for a reason but you are the only one who knows of them so farther we pray that you show us what is it you ask of us. I cannot face tomorrow without the promise of Your presence. You can find her writing about life, education, and Jesus at and, which attract visitors from across the globe. Father, thank You for Your gift of grace. Finally, your friend may need a sounding board or someone to talk to as he goes through the mental anguish that accompanies trauma. Give him the strength and the courage to overcome his condition. Use the doctors as your holy vessels and work miraculous healing over your flock. O Lord God, I come to You for help and guidance. I am so pleased to hear that you are recovering. my injuries. Twitter. I pray You take what little faith they have and grow it into what they need to get through this difficult time. Lord, we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind. Jesus, help my ears to hear. Talk about them and try to use them when dealing with your childs illness. Fill him with your holy presence. Obtain strength when he/she is weary, hope when discouraged, and joy when downhearted. Amen. Stretch your loving hands towards us and heal us with your power that all of us victims of accident may recover fully bless us and hear our supplications for your help as we believe and trust that you are the best healer. Help me keep my eyes on You, especially in times of rejection. Lord, it looked as if some of the injuries might have been serious. Im so angry about losing this child, who had so much life ahead of him/her. This may be tricky to balance with their need to do the usual routines of childhood. If the child asks you questions about his condition and treatments, give honest and clear answers. In Jesus name. Prayer for the Recovery of a Friend for Christians, 15. We just never know when we will be involved in an accident or our life will be over. Lord I pray for healing and forgiveness for this young man. Give us all strength to make it through these hard times. My heart is broken to see what happened to Rachel. Even if the case seems hopeless, consider praying for the individual instead of just saying , 13. You should also not forget to pay attention to your relationships. However, if you have a car, you may need to anoint the car with the blood of Jesus. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? All Rights Reserved, Names Of The Twelve Disciples {Explained!}. Watch as this sweet pea, feet tucked under her bottom, likely freshly bathed and onesied up for the night, tightly closes her eyes and begins reciting a goodnight prayer. We pray for your mercy, dear God. Forgive me when I complain that the way You have made for me is harder than I want it to be. Here are some prayers for a speedy recovery from an illness or accident. They will have to make serious adjustments in their lives as their bodies mend. You know the circumstances of this tragic accident and the complications that it may cause in this little life. One of the few remaining examples of the 'General Lee' Dodge Chargers from the TV show Dukes of Hazard was involved in a serious single-car accident in Missouri last weekend. Do you know how to comfort someone who has suffered from an illness accident? This loss affects so many people. Bless them and help them remain loyal to your merciful love. But as slow a process as it may be, grant them your peace and tranquility to go through it with nothing but gratitude. This prayer begins: "You are the giver of life and health and you are the healer of the sick and the suffering. What few probably know is that their doctors and especially their nurses suffer alongside them. Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. Amen. We pray for all the people involved in car accidents and the ones affected as well. As the doctor of all doctors, I ask that you restore him to fullness of health. Loving Lord, I bring this little life to You and lay it at Your feet. Be close to this little one I pray, and hold them close to Yourself. Source: Kenneth the Carpenter, written down by Dr. Donald Munro Morrison, (1889), Devotionals of Encouragement -, "Protection" Prayers -, "But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." It is an appropriate emotion for the situation. To have a lasting hope, they must have a personal relationship with You. By engaging in prayer for the loss of a child, we may receive this comfort from God. Teach them what they need to know in caring for a child with chronic illness at home. Prayer for Victims Families Needs and Support Lord, the people who were in the car accident I just witnessed have just entered into a new season in their lives. First responders are critical because they are the link between life and death for victims like those who were in the accident I just witnessed. Read Scripture, especially the Psalms, and pray the Psalms when you cant find the words to pray. Amen For Healing And Provision Oh Merciful God, I come before you today with a thankful yet heavy heart. 4. Help his recovery physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually. (Philippians 4:8), Strengthen us in the power of Your might, O God. Amen. You say that you rescue us from violent people. Thank You, especially for my children who You have entrusted to me. If the person has faith in God, you could offer a prayer for a speedy recovery. Please help me find joy again in seeing my child healthy and strong. Protect me from living in fear and paranoia. Let my words be acceptable in your sight. Give your guilt, anger, grief, and bitterness to God. Now in January, family say the two are slowly on the mend . Rachel and have mercy on us. He believes it is more important than ever before to help people find a genuine faith. Amen. Help me to focus on you alone as I mourn the loss of my child. Father, as a parent I know that I cant be with my children all the time, but You can. 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