gm interior color code 69dcity of clear lake, sd utilities
MR3 : TRANSMISSION, MAN S SPD, ISUZU, 76MM, 3.73 1ST. ACRYLIC CODE . Interior color combinations: Jet Black. Color. GM Cars Leather Seat & Interior Colors Our Genaral Motors leather dye colors are matched to the GM OEM color and bear the manufacturers color name. Was: $170.99. Dave sent me four versions of the color & trim chart for '66 Corvairs: 9/1/65, 11/1/65, 1/1/66, & 3/16/66. Status Not open for further replies. You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page Next; Show. Placement on Vehicle. 2 . 1991 Chevy Silverado K1500 ECSB, 350, 700R4 w/shift kit, 3.42's, exhaust work. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners by Leather Magic. USE. Find a Used Chevrolet Silverado 1500. If your car has two colors, you will see the two tone color code. AND FOG LP, AQ7 : SEAT, FRT SPLIT, 3 PASS, 6 WAY ADJ, RECL. Find out what body paint and interior trim colors are available. In looking at the RPO Code's in my Glove Box All of the Letters are in All Caps, below are 2 RPO Codes from my Truck, LM7 ENGINE GAS, 8 CYL, 5.3L, MFI 5.3T(LM7) 92I INTERIOR TRIM SHALE/PEWTER (92I) The blue on 500s was different than Monza & Corsa, thus the different code. We use the WA format for simplicity, your code may have a U. WA8555 is the same as U8555. JJG - FRT END SUBASSEMBLY INSTALLED (MODULAR OPTIMIZATION,FRT END SUBASSEMBLY) SSB - IDENTIFICATION MODEL. UM6 : RADIO, AM/FM STEREO, SEEK/SCAN, AUTO REV CASS, UM7 : RADIO, AM/FM STEREO, SEEK/SCAN, CLOCK, ETR. GM Interior Paint Charts and Color Codes for 1989: SAMPLE: COLOR. Page. 1990 Gm. You will want to locate where Chevy has placed the your paint color code before getting your paint. Reinvent your interior! . [email protected] 2/52 Heathcote Road ,Moorebank , NSW 2170. Also, there are really two codes in each color code to make it even more confusing. Z85 : CHASSIS PACKAGE, HIGH PAYLOAD FIRM RIDE, ZJ2 : FLEET INCENTIVE , PHILLIPS PETROLEUM (A/B/C/H/L/W-TRK, ZL1 : NOISE CONTROL WITH LESS THAN 8000 LB GVW, ZM3 : INVOICE, AUTO FAB INC . ' NAVY, 1M8 : MARKING, REFLECTIVE WHITE, OEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY, 1N4 : MARKING, REFLECTIVE BLACK ARMY NATIONAL GUARD, 1N6 : MARKING, REFLECTIVE YELLOW, U.S. AIR FORCE, 1N7 : MARKING, LUSTERLESS BLACK , U S AIR FORCE, 1NS : MARKING, REFLECTIVE BLACK, U.S. ARMY, 1Z2 : VEHICLE PREPARATION, ANTI CORROSION HOT MELT, 201 : TRIM COMBINATION, VINYL, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (W), 202 : TRIM COMBINATION, LEATHER, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (2), 203 : TRIM C0MBINATION, LEATHER, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (3), 204 : TRIM C0MBINATION, LEATHER, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (91), 205 : TRIM C0MBINATION, LEATHER, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (5), 206 : TRIM C0MBINATION, VINYL, HD, VERY DK SAPPHIRE, 207 : TRIM C0MBINATION, CLOTH, HD, VERY DK SAPPHIRE, 208 : TRIM C0MBINATION, CLOTH, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (8) (91), 209 : SEAT BELT, COLOR VERY DK SAPPHIRE (91), 20A : STRIPE COLOR, ACCENT, DK ROYAL BLUE (94), 20B : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (8) (91), 20C : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, VERY DK SAPPHIRE (C) (91), 20D : TRIM C0MBINATION, CLOTH. They offer unique looks because of their unique process of making a proper candy effect. MG2 : TRANSMISSION, MAN 5 SPD, GETRAG, 76MM 3.50 1ST. The 3/16/66 chart is reproduced here. In order to match the correct color to your car seat, please confirm the interior code in advance. DOOR OPERATED, 8M5 : BUMPER FRT, PAINTED, BLACK, WRAP AROUND, 8M9 : HANDLE, I EA MOUNTED INSIDE OF DOOR, 8MB : HANDLE, I EA ON INSIDE OF RR HANDLES, 8N1 : SALES PACKAGE, COLD CLIMATE, DIESEL USED WITH, 8N4 : SPEAKER SYSTEM, INSTRUMENT PANEL (COAXIAL), 8NB : SPRINT, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8NB : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8NL : COMPUTER SELECTED REAR LEFTHAND SPRING, 8NL : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, RIGHT HAND, 8NL : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8NM : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8NN : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8Q5 : HVAC SYSTEM, AIR CONDITIONER FRT MAN CONTROLS, 8Q7 : VENT, ADSCO, ROOF (DRIVERS COMPARTMENT#10540), 8Q9 : VENT, ROOF ADSCO-EVANS(STATIC) (#S999), 8R9 : CONTAINER, INSTRUMENT ADSCO(SEARS) (#5969), 8S4 : MIRROR O/S, LH 6 RH, WEST COAST TYPE, LARGE, W/6 IN, 8TH : SUSPENSION- COMPUTER SELECTED, RR, LH, 8UX : COMPUTER SELECTED FRONT LEFTHAND SPRING----(ALONG WITH 6XW/6ZX), 8UX : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8UY : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8UZ : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8W7 : SEAT, BUCKET TYPE, DRIVER & PASS, LOW BACK FRT, 8WA : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8X4 : PARTITION, PLYWOOD, W/CTR SLIDING DOOR, 8X7 : SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRT & RR, GAS PRELOADED, DELCO/BILS, 8X8 : VANITY, MAINTAINENCE (OPER SI CARGO DOOR) ADSCO(#6135, 8YB : SPRING, COMPUTER SELECTED, REAR, LEFT HAND, 8Z3 : GENERATOR, IOO AMP, HEAVY DUTY, PENSKE/RYDER, 903 : TRIM COMBINATION, LEATHER, MED SMOKE GRAY (3) (91), 909 : SEAT BELT COLOR, MED SMOKE GRAY (91), 90A : STRIPE COLOR, ACCENT, TWO TONE, GOLD/DK AUBURN (91), 90C : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, MED SMOKE GRAY (C) (91), 90E : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, MED SMOKE GRAY (E) (91), 90L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, GRAY MET (91), 90U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, GRAY MET (91), 90V : TRIM COMBINATION, VINYL , MED SMOKE GRAY (91), 91L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DK POLO GREEN MET (91), 91Q : MOLDING COLOR, DK POLO GREEN MET (91), 91U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DK POLO GREEN MET (91), 92U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DAWN GRAY MET (91), 93U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, WHITE DIAMOND (91), 942 : TRIM COMBINATION, LEATHER, LT QUARTZ (2), 943 : TRIM COMBINATION, LEATHER, LT QUARTZ (3), 94B : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, LT QUARTZ (B), 94C : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, LT QUARTZ (C), 94L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, BLUE RED MET (91), 94U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, BLUE RED MET (91), 95L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, LT ANTELOPE FM (91), 95U : PRIMARY COLOR EXTERIOR, LT ANTELOPE FM (91), 96L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DK SMOKE GRAY MET (91 ), 96U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, ULTRA SILVER MET (91), 97A : STRIPE COLOR, ACCENT, TWO TONE, WARM GRAY MET/DK, 97L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DK GRAY MET (91), 97U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DK GRAY MET (91), 98L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, VERY DK SAPPHIRE MET, 98U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, ULTRA BLUE MET (91), 992 : TRIM COMBINATION, LEATHER, BLK CHERRY (2), 993 : TRIM COMBINATION, LEATHER, BLK CHERRY (3), 99A : STRIPE COLOR, ACCENT, DK SLATE GRAY (91), 99B : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, BLK CHERRY (B), 99C : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, BLK CHERRY (C), 99D : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, BLK CHERRY (D), 99E : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, BLK CHERRY (E), 99G : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, BLK CHERRY (G), 99H : TRIM COMBINATIDN, CLOTH, BLK CHERRY (H), 99L : SECONDARY COLOR, EXTERIOR , DK SLATE MET (91 ), 99Q : MOLDING COLOR, DK SLATE GRAY MET (91), 99U : PRIMARY COLOR, EXTERIOR, DK SLATE MET (91), 9A4 : SALES PACKAGE, REC VEHICLE, MARK III, 9A5 : SALES PACKAGE, REC VEHICLE, DELETION, 9A6 : SALES PACKAGE, REC VEHICLE, STARCRAFT, 9A7 : SALES PACKAGE, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE, 9C2 : GOVERNOR, ELECTRONIC SPEED SENSOR - 85 MPH. $150.95. I have 03+ interior code 922 and 92i which is pewter leather and plastics according to another post I found. $29.95 As low as $25.95. Click on each color image to see a larger view and to find which vehicles these colors apply to. Condition. GM General Motors paint code WA505Q 505Q U505Q L505Q 89 Crystal Claret, 89 Crystal Red, GBE Crystal Red, GBE Crystal Claret, 89,GBE Crystal Claret, GBE,89 Crystal Red, 89,GBE Crystal Red (Claret) Skip to paint table (C) 2010 1987 Gm. JM8 : BRAKE SYSTEM PWR, FRT DISC RR DRUM, ALUMINUM, K05 : HEATER ENG, BLOCK-------------------/, K34 : CRUISE CONTROL, AUT0MATIC, ELECTRONIC, K46 : AIR CLEANER, HEAVY OUTY, PRE-CLEANER, K96 : GENERATOR, 55 AMP, BUILT-IN REGULATOR, K97 : GENERATOR, 80 AMP, BUILT-IN REGULATOR, KD5 : HEATER, ENGINE BLOCK----------------\, L01 : ENGINE, GAS, 6 CYL, 3.4L, MFI, OHC, V6, HO, L02 : ENGINE, GAS, 4 CYL, 2.3L, MFI, DOHC, L05 : ENGINE, GAS, B CYL, 5.7L, 1 TBI, V8, L11 : ENGINE, GAS, 4 CYL, 1.9L, PREMIUM FUEL, L27 : ENGINE, GAS, 6 CYL, 3.8L, MFI, V6, HO (3800 SERIES), L34 : ENGINE, GAS, 4 CYL, 2 OL, MFI, DOHC, L35 : ENGINE, GAS, 6 CYL, 4 3L, CPI, V6, 90 DEG, L38 : ENGINE, GAS, 4 CYL, 2.SL, 1 TBI, HO, L44 : ENGINE, GAS, 6 CYL, 2.8L, MFI V6, HO, L48 : ENGINE, GAS, 4 CYL, 1.4L, MFI, PREMIUM FUEL, L54 : ENGINE, GAS, 4 CYL, 1.8L, MFI, REG FUEL, l5J : TRIM COMBINATION, CLOTH, MED SLATE GRAY (J) (91), L65 : ENGINE, DIESEL, 8 CYL, 6.5L. 2021 Silverado Colors are surely bolder and brighter, to make one of the colorful trucks ever. Tags #generalmotors, #buick, #chevrolet, #chevy, #pontiac, #interiorcolors, #interiorcolorchart, #gm, #cadillac, #cady #vinalpaint #vinylpaint #leatherpaint #paintingplastic, #gmc. 32-17029 (Semi Gloss) 1989. These samples are considered an approximation of the actual color. MK7 : TRANSMISSION, MAN 5 SPD, ISUZU, 3.91 IST, 1.45 3RD, ML2 : TRANSMISSION, MAN 5 SPD, B0RG WARNER, 77MM, 4.03, ML3 : TRANSMISSION, MAN 5 SPD, B0RG WARNER, 77MM, 3.76, ML8 : TRANSMISSION, MAN S SPD, BORG WARNER, 77MM , 3 SO. Line: DPL. Hey there, I bought my SS used and have been dieing to get a real history on it from the dealer. It is a medium-ish gray color. CAMEO ' EL ' PICKUP, ZM6 : CHASSIS PACKAGE, OFF-ROAD SUSPENSION, ZM7 : SALES PACKAGE, COMBINATION - INTERMITTENT WIPER/TIL, ZM8 : SALES PACKAGE, COMBINATION - ELECTRIC TAILGATE, ZP3 : SEATING ARRANGEMENT, FIFTEEN PASSENGER, ZP5 : SEATING ARRANGEMENT, FIVE PASSENGER, ZP7 : SEATING ARRANGEMENT, SEVEN PASSENGER, ZP8 : SEATING ARRANGEMENT, EIGHT PASSENGER, ZQ3 : SALES PACKAGE, DRIVER CONVENIENCE II, ZQ9 : APPEARANCE PACKAGE, EXTERIOR TRIM, BLACK OUT, ZR9 : APPEARANCE PACKAGE, "SYCLONE" PICKUP, ZV6 : COLOR COMBINATION, TWO TONE TREATMENT, ZW4 : WINDOW PKG, RIGHT HAND SIDE, RR DRS, ZW9 : B0DY EQUIPMENT, BASE BODY OR CHASSIS, ZX2 : SEATING ARRANGEMENT, DRIVER & PASSENGER, HIGHBACK, ZX4 : WINDOW PKG, LEFT HAND SIDE, SIDE RR DR, RR DR, ZX6 : WINDOW PKG, RR DR, SIDE RR DR, SWING OUT. Reply With Quote. Original Factory Color: Very Dark Pewter "Dark Gray" Fits: Driver Side Bottom Fits: Powered & Manual Seats Proudly Made In USA (Houston, TX) Free Shipping, Brand New, Never Used Examples include; Wine Red Black Lemon Drop Hot Pink Apple Red Teal Fire Red Tangerine Emerald Green Cobalt Blue Vexing Violet Chevrolet, like all manufacturers, uses . ), Y04 : RING GEAR, 8.50 IN., SAGINAW, (S.P.O. If you need a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a Plastikote product, please visit our website. We can provide you with factory original colors based upon Color Name only. HOW TO FIND YOUR INTERIOR RPO TRIM COLOR CODE ON YOUR GM VEHICLE GLOVE BOX TAG LABEL BENTLEYS AUTO PARTS 3.37K subscribers Subscribe 36K views 3 years ago Nice little quick video, on how to. DRIVER BOTTOM SEAT Cover & Foam Cushion Fits 2003-2006 Chevy Silverado Dark Gray - EUR 96,51. Home Page; Color Books By Year. Hugger Orange - Automotive Aerosol Spray Paint. Vinyl and Fabric Coating. Table 1: 1966 Corvair Exterior Colors and Interior Trim Choices. If you do not know the color name, contact your GM dealer with your VIN number and the parts department should be able to provide it to you. I was wondering if any GM Parts or Warranty guys could run my VIN and give me a histor. 2002. AR5 : RESTRAINT SYSTEM, HEAD, RR SEAT, LEATHER COVERED, AR6 : RESTRAINT SYSTEM, SEAT BELT, SHLDR HARN, MAN, AR9 : SEAT, FRT BKT, EUROPEAN STYLE, PASS A DRIVER RECL, AS2 : SEAT, PASSENGER, FRT BKT, HIGH BACK, AS8 : RESTRAINT SYSTEM, FRT SEAT, MANUAL, ACTIVE, AU1 : LOCK CONTROL, SIDE DR, FUEL FILLER DR, ELEC, AU4 : LOCK CONTROL, SIDE DR, ELEC, AUT0MATIC, AU6 : LOCK CONTROL, END GATE WINDOW, REM CONT ELEC, AW2 : ADJUSTER, SEAT, MANUAL, 6 WAY, DRIVER, AW9 : LOCK CONTROL, QUARTER STOW L L/CPMT, AX4 : RESTRAINT, CONVERSION SEAT, MAN, EUROPEAN, AX5 : PARTITION, EXPANDED METAL, LEFT SIDE, AX6 : PARTITION, EXPANDED METAL, WITH RH SLIDING DR, AX7 : PARTITION, EXPANDED METAL, WITH CTR SLIDING DR, AX8 : SEAT, FRT BKT, PEDESTAL, DRIVER, BELTS, AY4 : RESTRAINT CONVERSION, HEAD FRT SEAT, LEATHER, AY9 : ADJUSTER,SEAT, POWER 6 WAY SPLIT SEAT, B1N : TIRE ALL, P165/65R13 BL R/PE ST TL AL3, B1R : TIRE ALL, P185/60VR14/N BL R/PE ST TL AL3, B1Y : MERCHANDISED PKG, SPECIAL COMPONENTS, B22 : ORNAMENTATION, INTR, EMBLEM, DR INNER PANEL, B23 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR WHEEL OPG SPOILER, B24 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR MLDG, SIDE WINDOW REVEALs, B26 : ORNAMENTATION, INTR, DR PULL HANDLES, FRT, B29 : ORNAMENTATION, INTR, DR PULL HANDLES, RR, B2L : PERFORMANCE PACKAGE & ENGINE PACKAGE V8 5.7LPFI, B2W : TIRE ALL, P205/75R15/N R/PE 0WL TL 00R (TRACKER), B34 : COVERING, FRT FLOOR MATS CARPETED INSERT, B35 : COVERING, REAR, FLOOR MATS CARPETED INSERT, B3H : COVERING, FLOOR CARPET LOAD FLOOR ---DELETE, B3K : TIRE ALL, P145/BOR12/N BL R/PE ST TL ALS, B3S : TIRE ALL, P205/50R15/N BL R/PE ST TL HW4, B42 : COVERING, FLOOR MAT, LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT FITTED, B43 : COVERING, LOAD FLOOR, TEXTURED SURFACE, B48 : TRIM EQUIPMENT, LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT, B4H : MODIFICATION, NOISE CONTROL , EXPORT, B4K : HANDLING CHARGE, TARRYTOWN T0 MIDWAY COACH, B4N : HANDLING CHARGE, TARRYTOWN T0 ESSEX MD T0 T & B IN, B53 : COVERING FRT, FLOOR MATS, CARPETED INSERT DELUXE, B54 : COVERING REAR, FLOOR MATS, CARPETED INSERT DELUXE, B58 : COVERING, FLOOR MATS FRT & RR, CARPETED INSERT, B72 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR MLDG BELT REVEAL' COLORED, B77 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR MLDG W/S REVEAL, COLORED, B7N : BODY EQUIPMENT, PICKUP BOX PANELS (NON-PRIME), B7P : BODY EQUIPMENT, PICKUP BOX PANELS (PRIME), B82 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR EMBLEM ---- DELETE, B84 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR MLDG, B0DY SIDE, B85 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR MLDG BELT REVEAL, B87 : ORNAMENTATION, EXTR EMBLEM FENDER---DELETE. 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gm interior color code 69d
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