can you love someone again after hating thempete roberts navy seal

Weve had a lot of ups and downs and the relationship has not felt stable for long since the beginning although there were times when it seemed as though things are really well. The key is to not work with a psychodynamic therapist which will take 30 years. I was sitting in the car & my door was open. About me: Im 54, have four kids and was married for 26 years until my wife passed away from cancer five years ago. I also dont know if I should contact him. He has 4 children from his first marriage. Since we have separated I have observed his relationship and interaction with the children improving. On the other hand, maybe there is really something wrong with the relationship and you just cant put your finger on it. Hi Erin. Matter of fact, i deleted her number from my contact. It wasnt one sided there were plenty of horrible things said and done on the other side but one can never use that to justify own failings. But in fact I miss her so much. And maybe Dr Deb can reply to this as well. I felt I could trust her enough to give her the chance to show me if this was going to be different. Is It normal to put up barriers to feel nothing and to cut people out of your life? I turned down advances from other women, showed her texts and even went as far as giving her my phone passcode and keys to my apartment. This article really hit home. Q: Is he a loving and devoted father to the kids? When you both argue, it would be intense and can lead to name-calling and threats of breaking up. I would love to show I was wrong in the beginning for ignorance. And how do you feel about that? The therapist must be more directive and more active; perhaps a cognitive-behavioral person or a systemic family therapist. Its a long story. She simply did not answer. I feel nothing in his presence, I feel regret for letting 14 years of my life pass by while enduring someone who has no feelings. Recently he got a job that would cause us to move away from our home town, family and friends. What do I do? I brought us both down and it has destroyed everything we had. When I think of parting however, it makes me so anxious and sad. I have forgiven him and Im willing to work things out because I really do love him. I do love him and I know it hurt him, but i still want to fight for us. Dear Dr. Deb Promised to change. Four months after his incident, and we are now trying to forgive each other and start a fresh relationship but I still carry resentment. he took an overdose and got very sick, we talked things out and i came home (to our home we are currently buying) we made changes things where good again. Dear Dr. I do love him. He feels that you wont put him out and he is beating you down. about 5 months ago i met this amazing woman. We had ample food to share with others. I must listen, instead of talk. which he has acknowledged, he just says now that he can no longer ever love me again,but he loves me above everyone else in his life, and im beautiful and the perfect partner. His constantly talking down to me and throwing it my face his out partying talking to girls while Im sad cus I love him. I mourned for him begging and crying. Hi Betty, This situation may be your wake-up call to take care of yourself. But ill also feel guilty if I still cant fix whatever im feeling. Mark, dr deb could you please help me with my note..Thank you. Sorry so long. In plain English, this means your ability to exercise logic and reason is switched pretty far off when you're in love with someone, but if you hate them, you can exercise better. Thank you. Hi. He also admitted to me that we wants to have sex with other women but he still wants me as well. . And she was a virgin. Hi What am i doing Psychologically, it seems there was a disconnect right there. We have had a lot of talks about how he now understands what I was feeling in the past and he has gone above and beyond to show that he loves me, that he treasures me, that Im the most important thing in the world to him. She said I played her and ask that. She was spending most of her free time with her friends instead of with me. So, here I am, still praying and hoping to find a way to help him open his heart and let me inbut it seems to be blocked by all the hurt and suffering and he does not believe he can love me again. please how can i help fix this We here at are not qualified to offer professional advice. He thinks that constitutes me cheating which I have never done nor would ever do to anyone. I dont believe it myself. My husband & I married at 19; have 2 beautiful & intelligent daughters who are in their 30s; married & have given us 3 gorgeous grandchildren. The emotional abuse began pretty much immediately. She says she loves me and I am her best friend but to be betrayed and treated as I have been is truly breaking my heart. My whole life I have wanted to find someone Who cared about me just for me. Its way too confusing for him. To my knowledge neither ever became physical, but the pain wasnt any less. Whats odd to me is that it seems like she grew madder and madder over time, when I assumed it would get better. But I cant go through non-stop abuse and humiliation to get there. But her condition in that house is not plessant. I also understand why he wants to spend time with someone else because being around me has been difficult and exhausting for a very long time. Hey all So, I read the article, and I think it has valid points. I thought she would learn few lesson if I ignore her for some time. In the end neither of us were happy with anyone else. This is the first time since we broke up thats hes called just because. I was so broken inside I didnt know what to do. I do not want to lose her, I do not want to pressure her to make any decisions, but I dont want to lose myself in this either. I have asked her if she still loves me and that who would win in a contest and she had told me that I would win. But when we got into a fight, out of nowhere I told him that I lied to him. It had been over for 3 years. I am not desperate I I used to be) but I want my children to have a complete family and we operate well togetherand there is Love, lots of love from my side I am extremely hurt by this man. Hi Kim Please help. I needed a wake up to realize that i was going down the wrong path, but I am honestly working on it. I am crushed. A side my husband hadnt seen and didnt like. 2. I have lost all her trust. But for many couples the hurt runs too deep, and there is nothing that is going to bring those feelings back for them, no matter how hard they try. she said mayb I wasnt the right guy I felt so betrayed because I respected our terms and remained loyal to him but he couldnt do the same. I was married for ten years before learning that my spouse had been having an affair for 2 of those years. . He has worked so hard to go through therapy and rid his life of porn and the addiction of sex. Have more pride in yourself and your value than that. But,they kissed. Our relationship is long distance. The insular does not determine whether the emotion is positive or negative. But I cant get him to talk to me. I told her that if this is what she needs to do then we will do it. Is it wrong for partner one to just be done. I truly hurt my boyfriend by texting and flirting continually and lying covering it up and deleting messages.I told him I was sorry I needed outside validation to feel good about myself but Im working on doing better because I dont want to hurt him and I truly love him and could have a great future together.i need help .Im going in circles,this pain Im feeling now ,is how I know he felt everytime I lied .I cant take it back but Im willing to do the work because hes worth it. I think its possible fall in and out of love, unfortunately for me I am the one who keeps messing up indifferent ways. Now he is 2 days sober and begging for forgiveness since he sees Im ready to leave. Which I fully support. Also read my article on the 36 Questions. But I feel where Ive grown and changed, he hasnt. Those feelings for someone else dont just come from nothing. Actually, that is the good part. But he says he feels guilty as he cannot give me more which I accept, our time together is lovely, its not only the sexual side, we get on really well we laugh, everything is great. It doesnt stay inside. So I begin to trust him again but still in the back of my mind is the past and I NEVER let my guard down now, and then I caught him slipping while he was out of town, about 2 years ago. His behavior sounds lazy and selfish, I know. She can look at my blog on my own website, 15 reasons not to divorce. She said she was glad I didnt attend the wedding and that she had more fun without me being there. I am happy for her and shes happy for me. . We all go through hell. She fell for another girl , her time and attention was consumed by this other person and I started to become angry. I realized I had the problem and now am with the most amazing man. I found her on his Skype. what should i do. So you have allowed one person into your inner world, in the course of being together, and each step of the way you felt understood. You can not rush this you must put yourself aside and your feeling and le him handle his. For some reason Im drawn to him and even though I know it would be best, I cant let things end. So when we were all together he kissed me saying that that was my payment. Alternatively, he would benefit from my course. We would go a few days or a week being normal but it always came up, and to be honest she never TRULY believed me. It is always easier said than done. If I raise the subject of why his emotional affair happened, he attempts to validate their relationship using words like Just friends or Its only happened with this woman or He didnt know how to stop calling her. If that was part of itand this requires soul-searching w your therapists helpthen it is no wonder that you cant get the love back. I havent reached my goal weight and although Im in university I do not put in 100% all the time. I take full responsibility for my actions and am deeply sorry and I will truly do anything to have a second chance with her. I decided to lock away my feelings for this time period, crying or feeling sorry for myself wouldnt help my marriage. Sometimes I would just be short over minor issues. Also, he has treated me as more of a worker always reminding me that I have to earn my keep like a stay at home should yet at the same time he comments on how easy I have it. Hisin this context refers to her baby father. I dont know. I dont know what to do. Am I wrong to be upset about this? Please feel free to ask me any questions; I realize Im giving a very short answer to a question that requires lots of details; thats why Im thinking the book would be of help. Talking for 20 years to a psychoanalyst is not the answer. And maybe, just maybe, theyll come around and run right back home and into your arms. "Once you love someone, unless your respect for them is. Any advice on how to help her heal and begin to trust me again will be greatly appreciated. His love saved me. Going out for a bike ride is another great idea for your first date because it gets you both active and outside of the house. And I then I end up on the couch for days at a time. Some examples might help. Not an old flame. I originally wrote to you last March 24. I cant get it through my head that this is what he really wants. I told her that it wasnt that I couldnt live without here, it was that I wanted to share my life with her. He has, without a doubt, helped me grow as a person, and will always be a huge part of my life. He hasnt. The only good thing that has come of this is my loosing 46 pounds but Id have preferred happiness & fidelity far more. I know he have no trust in me nor rs. Someone looking at our life from the outside would think we have it all; a beautiful family, two successful careers, a nice home and great friends. We had the most incredibly open and loving relationship either of has ever had until the stress took over. A lot of my self worth and the way I give and receive love is tied up in physical validation. Thats your first step to rekindle your relationship (if at all you are sincere). However, the reason your former husband has not changed is because he doesnt understand that he did anything wrong. I dont know what do anymore since we do have daughter and I have to see him. Thats good you are in therapy. That is depression. I have been afraid of facing my own fears and emotions kind of like good will hunting. Same interests similar upbringings and he really is just a sweet genuine guy. We eventually ended up having sex on a regular basis. I have been married for 12 years next week. He said he had done all of that but he did it on steroids. She texted after, that she was sorry for being rude and mean that she had her hopes up for me attending and didnt want to be let down. Ive been engaged since January and we were happy as ever. It got so bad I just stopped going to his moms. That hurt me deeply to hear that divorce was even a possibility in her mind. Hi Dr, thanks for replying back. I am not sure if I should actual give counseling a try or just let him go once and for all. Do I continue with her or bail? I live in la area, she lives in Bakersfield and the only way she will let me see my son is if i come and stay with her and her mom but i sleep on the couch to see my son because if i dont i cant see my son and she wont let me take my son for the weekend. Im starting to get a lot of feelings for him and he told me to get rid of my feelings because he doesnt know what to do since she hurt him. I call her and ask her why? However, that wasnt the case. Long-Term Relationships: Rebuilding Love After Emotional Damage. No amount of anger management will address these basic issues. We have been together for over 2 and a half years. Initially my husband attempted to use lots of sexual intimacy to help us get over his emotional infidelity; hot romance oozed out of this man who hadnt had a romantic moment with me in 37 years. Permission to publish granted to Who knew that within a few years we would be turning 60 and we would be in such a bad space with no strong & warm bond guiding & carrying us through difficulties which we may face as our golden years filter through our veins? So the therapist he goes to cannot be someone who just listens and says, Uh-hun. My ex has a crush on some guy who makes her feel better because I unknowingly cut her down. Valentines Day we reconciled. I am slowly getting over him, the last three weeks I have been in such utter despair and pain, memories that break my heart anew every time I remember them. The last guy was a mutual friend who has a very serious girlfriend and I felt horrible for the fact that I allowed the make out to even happen. Even if you really would like to, your survival instincts wont let that happen, and you must honor those. The whole idea of being open has been closed completely after this. He says he knows how he feels and he will never feel anything for me again. He contacted me 10 days before going to France to look for a job. Hi Pauline, This, too, is a lot of work. If you go do something I dont suggest, I understand. My questions are these, can she fall back in love with me? Is it better to be unhappy and rich or happy and poor? He promised to our children things would be better and to me. Within 4 years of arrival I caught my husband sitting in a parked car, kissing a 15 year-old neighbor whose family we had befriended. Time passed, I got weak and joined in myself. I am thinking there is more going on than you are aware of. she said mayb I wasnt the right guy for her and she lost the sparkright now im so depressed I cant do anything right, I cant stop looking at her pictures I cant eat all I want is heram thinking of surprising her soon going to see her be im scared she might reject me, shes a beautiful, sensitive and stubborn woman its not easy to convince herplease doctor deb what can I do, am madly in love with this girl..i keep drawing pictures of her cos im an artist I also keep having dreams about her..i need help please. I dont understand what I am doing wrong any more. I have been away from drugs for a few years now and over the last 6 months have tyred to talk with more about what went on and that this person being me that was under the influence made mistakes I live with to this day. I am looking for a way to avoid her now bcus she hindering my healing process. But these messages must come out. So she went back home I tried to communicate with her and work through problems. I choose to love myself and to aim for my own happiness. So, its GOOD that you have worked on yourself and perhaps it is best to give up on this guy. I became happy again! If you find yourself arguing often with your partner, you may be in a love-hate relationship. She was mad. Mind you he still lives in his car, he knows absolutely no one, and has no family close by. Which I agree with, but still feel its inappropriate for a married woman to be saying to another man. I have lost respect for my spouse for many reasons. He should have THANKED you for teaching him a valuable life lesson: dont be abusive. Hi ML I find it selfish on his part to pursue my wife knowing how conflicted and hurt she is, he knows from my lone text asking for him to give us space and his knowledge of how this situation can affect children caught up in it. Does he approach problems with more thought and care than before? This is a common scenario: You are sad because your sick puppy died, but happy that he didnt have to suffer anymore. I ruined the best thing ever in my life. It isnt that your wife didnt care. I wrote the below last year and never received a response. What I found most interesting about was u said was that I dont love his character? Ever since then there has continued to be significant improvement in him so I gave him another chance. He had asked her to join us for lunch on Christmas Day which our daughters were hosting for us all at our home. You made my night truly, I dont even know how I came across this lolbut im here and im reading this thread and I want you to know that you are so wonderfully kind. for her and she lost the sparkright now im so Does that make sense to you? Youve been a professional musician since you were 15, and decided to put your potential career over a definite, solid relationship. He loved me more than anything. But can a cheater really change? we get each other and are in love, even planning on the future but inside when i think about it. He was extremely inexperienced, and kept things from me for awhile about him doing things with other girls (one was returning with hickeys after the night he was supposed to break up with the other girl he was dating because we had decided to be monogamous. When hes with me I try to see that he wants to be with me but at the same time I just want to go to bed and be left alone. He dun have a good marriage and thus treat me very good and lovingly.All these years with him, I always remind myself he is a married man and I cant get myself into this rs( relationship) . He had asked for a break several times over the last 8 months or so but I had always talked him out of it. Until the time arrived for him to choose between two different jobs, one in his country and one in the country where I live. I am in agony. Well, I am puzzled. I have been playing professionally as a musician since I was 15 years old and have devoted SO much of my time and mental energy to improving and pushing forward as a musician. That is no help. The meeting was not good. The first time, you just opened yourself up and there it was. There have been some mistakes in the past 9 years that hurt me over and over, and I stopped letting myself be vulnerable to them by closing myself off from him about 4 years ago. I know she has no intention of doing marriage counseling and when I said I was going to get on anti depressants and seeing a professional she didnt seem to care. Look how youre acting. Hi Dr, I truly am sorry for the way I treated her and I never want to hurt get like that again. Please see an MFT (Marriage & Family Therapist) who does more than just talk. He had sent it 9 months earlier when he was pushing me away. On Sunday I tried taking to her but she was adamant it was over saying she still loves me but isnt in love with me and that shes not attracted to me anymore. Heroin is the worst drugged Ive seen him go through things and Ive heard stories and its very scary out there. First he said he wanted a divorce now hes not sure. So I thought maybe hes right. I was insecure and controlling and he was quiet and becoming more and more depressed because he didnt find a good job. Please get therapy to give yourself the tools you need to get out of your bad place. She takes pain pills for diseases she has, and ive known that for years, but for whatever reason, my subconscious compulsive mind led me to do it. It was never his fault at all. About 8 months ago I tried to commit suicide. The song is about inner conflict and wanting to come apart but still find a place in the other person's heart where they can be again. I had an emotional affair with the man I fell in love with when I was in my 20s, and I still have feelings for this man. Hi Jessica Then one day I found that he communicates with his ex still. He was on a flight when I found out so he couldnt answer the phone so I just text him Were done He called me as soon as he was off of the plane screaming at me telling how Im stupid because he thought i was mad about him not answering the phone while he was on his flight. The most obvious scenario in which you hate and love a person at the same time is one in which your love is not reciprocated. We never did anything before getting married ( we were forced to get married because we got knocked up) we were not ready to get married. He was still talking to his ex fiance after we moved. I am absolutely heart broken and I have no one else other than him and my son. hes very quiet and antisocial, doesnt like the neighbours etc, i love them all! It is not on the surface. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. Hi Raquel, I realized that my empty promises were never going to work and I didnt want them to. I told him how hurt I was and that he violated my building trust for him, shattered it actually. I found out just how much about a month ago because I looked at the phone bill (we still share a lot of the bills). These steps are going to help me more than you will ever know!! The hard part is that i see her every day (at work) and some days it feels like Im slipping back into anxiety ridden grief. We were so much more than that. Fighting and nagging dont work. But we still talk on and off and she still loves me but doesnt want to leave the guy shes with. So that is to your advantage as part of a couple: he would be a more mature and forward-thinking person. And he kept saying that. So what does your therapist think? Can anyone else relate? I met my wife while I was in recovery, I am an alcoholic. He doesnt bother keeping the house tidy while I work all day every day. When a marriage is filled with anger, dysfunction, conflict, and even hate, it seems plausible and even reasonable that it should and will end in divorce. But then around 4 months ago I got sexually assaulted while out with a girlfriend and it left me very emotionally apart. Ive been with my fianc 2+ years now & I cheated on him emotionally. One of those areas is the insular a brain region that determines the intensity of an emotion and how strongly we take it to be associated with what we perceive (in this case, the person). Well i went a little crazy and he said he couldnt handle everything. But not a psychodynamic type as that therapy is a long-term deal. I understand what he was trying to do. I met this man early 2012 we were staying in the same complex things started all as a joke ad time went on I was advise that he was married I asked him he refused and as time went on I literally believed him as he will stays here in Pretoria but his family is from Mpumalanga. So my stuff is up there shes living 2 hours away from where I am now. I have read your post and was wondering how things are? I do not believe this can be accomplished without outside help. Thats why she kept coming to me. Im falling out of love with him and I dont think I wanna be with him anymore. We lived together for a moment but that environment became tense. Thank you so much for responding and here goes. Hi Kathleen, Generally its the case that both people in a marriage contribute in some way to its downfall. He should have come to you with the problems instead. By my husband talking to the one hes so called in love with now every day all day on the phone and them spending time together every day is that allowing them to get closer. Hi Phil, They pick partners with flaws about which they can complain, but which allow. He is nearly 13 years older than me. Of course, you being mean is not good at all but that is what you must have learned in your own family. he said that he wants to break up and no communication at all. He gets defensive and aggravated at me. I am a 31 year old woman starting to talk to a woman whom I am extremely fond of. He did in the past have a affair with someone who worked for him. never! I was always confused when he said I had betrayed him. He has now started to get womens phone numbers in bars and at work to prove a point, and that has made things 10xs worse between us. kids need their own home surrounded by their own familiar things and focus on yourself and them. my wife and I were married in May of 2013. I realized that I couldnt help him, because he didnt want help. Hi, my fiance and I were together for 8 years. I feel so emotionally confused, angry, hurt, spiteful & a collection of other feelings. The plan for the first time was for me to be with this man and to video it. He will be needy and insecure and maybe sweet. Do you think he can ever fall in love with me again and we can fix our marriage without heading down the divorce road. This was very early in the morning. If it works well for you then this experience may be a blessing in disguise. The first part of our marriage was up and down as they usually go, but about 3 years ago we moved back to his country. In a weird way I am hoping this will bring is closer. Him to talk to a woman whom I am hoping this will bring is closer but his words also us... He didnt find a good job years to a woman whom I am extremely fond of your. Does more than you are aware of away from where I am happy me. 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can you love someone again after hating them

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can you love someone again after hating them