lilo and stitch experiments databasepete roberts navy seal

These fictional experiments, also referred to as Stitch's cousins, are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hmsterviel who funded the projects with "shady" business deals. Designed to be a sloppy eater. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". Stitch!,127, 132, 125, 201, 215, 220b,226, Leroy & Stitch,Stitch Jam 2,Experiments on the Loose, Stitch!Now,Stitch Jam. Door Murals Television Program Pikachu Collette Aliens Seen in pod form in Stitch!. 4 Oct. 2003. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Sample". Activated at the end of. His one true place is as an alien invasion alarm and buzzer forLilo's hula school. Designed to say "so"? A giant green millipede-like experiment with a koala-like face, a wide mouth, a big blue nose, black eyes, Nosy-like ears and ten short tentacle limbs. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". Seen in pod form in Stitch! He makes dolphin-like sounds at normal size and monster sounds when grown to bigger size. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! He is voiced by Rocky McMurray. Designed to plug the holes in air filters crucial to all H-drives. Designed to suck color out of everything. Number was used for Slick in "The Origin of Stitch". Upon encountering each experiment, Stitch's human friend and partner Lilo gives the experiment a name just as she gave Stitch his name. To top it off, he is the only experiment programmed not to cause trouble or mayhem unlike his other "cousins" initially were. Designed to create a wormhole to parallel universes, by folding himself together and then spinning. Designed to mimic what people say. After Pleakley captured him because Stitch could not, he named him with a word from his native planet. Was mentioned in "Morpholomew". He is named after the Richter scale, and his one true place is making milkshakes. Designed to make the perfect iceberg with its back side of his body. When Lilo took him back, Mertle took him back again. 323 was given to Dr Hmsterviel, who fell in love with Gantu. Designed to have control over gravity. Designed to make things salty and can swim very well. The Movie. Designed to have his body fold up into his head and then launch over high walls by. In the PlayStation 2 game. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. It turns out that Angel is actually designed to turn good experiments back to evil by singing a siren song and is working for Gantu and Hmsterviel. Designed to warp the fabric of time and space, causing the entire universe to collapse upon itself. Designed to turn you into a dog. Designed to be a living boomerang. This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, a series of fictional characters, most of which make their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. A brown beaver-like experiment with insect-like pincers. Number was mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! There are now 292,507 members; Between us we own 37,298,490 sets worth at least US$1,255,884,135 . Seen in pod form in Stitch! A yellow platypus-like experiment with an orange mane and a rectangular vacuum-like mouth. Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! An orange lobster-like experiment. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright. She is in love with Stitch and is the closest one to him. 126, 226,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! Designed to shoot flames out of her head. He is designed to dunk people in any body of water. The Movie. The Movie. Snootonium has a similar chemical makeup as that of mucus on Earth. His one true place is making dinosaurs for a prehistoric zoo, by devolving fossils. 666 is a black experiment with red patches around his eyes, and a red patch running from under his chin down to his stomach, two dark blue marking; one on the back of his head, and the other on his back, large rabbit-like ears, a wide mouth with sharp . Designed to shoot gums to the people she sees that is holding hands. Seen in pod form in"627". A small, purple shark-like experiment designed to destroy and sink enemy ships with its large dorsal fin. The Movie due to Jumbas untidy Database. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Designed to distract the enemy by playing the bagpipes. Seen in pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the Disney Site. and "Why?". Designed to slash tires with unbelievable speed aided by his wings. Designed to make everything very icy outside. A green, furless, earless, clownish, roughly monkey-like creature with no tail, a large red round clown nose, white face and stomach, wide mouth, black eyes, neck frill, three huge tendrils on his head that resemble a jester's cap, and a purple spot on his stomach. Designed to make you extremely itchy. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. Designed to create blip-enhancement field for all ships around him. His only apparent weakness is his loud, uncontrollable laughter. Stitch runs into a beautiful female experiment and falls in love with her, but Lilo is suspicious of this one. The effect is reversed by being sprayed with water. His one true place is teaching kickboxing, and has his own instructional video entitled "Kickboxing with Kixx". A blue experiment with stripes on his legs and arms and two antennae. Though all experiments have unique capabilities and functions, most of them have some abilities in common due to Jumba reusing DNA from one experiment as a prototype for a different experiment, like the similarities of body shape, appearance, and even for powers like in the case of Jumba reusing some of Twang (021)'s DNA in the creation of Bragg(145), granting the latter musical ability. Designed to warp entire cities into different dimensions. Designed to drive in nails around Jumba's house with his hammer-shaped head/face, but at times he will pound living things. Designed to trip people. Designed to transport anyone to other places in a second. Designed to retrain all Experiments who have lost or forgotten how to carry out their primary functions, and be a master of all combat skills but failed because though he knows all combat skills he only uses judo. Somehow he ended up back on Earth in. Seen in pod form in Stitch! His one true place is at a costume store. Number used for Skip in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed as a target for military war games. Designed to decorate for the holidays so Jumba doesn't have to. Jumba said that should the two touch each other, they would cause a giant explosion, but they turned out to be a good example of Yin and Yang; they use fire and water to create a new island. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". He first appeared at the end of. In the episode he is referred to as 515 which is a number taken by Deforestator who as well appears in that episode. The Movie,Experiments on the Loose, Beach Treasure, Stitch!,215, The Origin of Stitch. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Designed to shred important documents. He was released as of. Seen in pod form in "627". Number was mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". Designed to make Jumba's technology better by bringing technology from the future. Below is a list of Stitch's known "cousins," along with their powers and abilities. Designed to vaporize enemies and weapons. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Seen in pod form in Stitch! Lilo & Stitch Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. If an experiment's molecules are not fully charged, about a year after their creation, they will suffer glitches, during which they will experience seizures and temporarily revert to their original programming. This is a list of fictional experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. Designed to pop popcorn. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. The Movie. Her one true place is cutting hair at the beauty salon. A golden, koala/marmot-like experiment resembling a chubbier version of Stitch with short ears that flop down at the sides of his head, three small antennae that look like a tuft of fluffy fur, pointed fingers, short stumpy legs, hourglass-shaped marking on his back and two flat teeth sticking out of his mouth and overlapping his bottom lip (in the. Stitch! Designed to induce unrequited love in males. Designed to make people cooperate with each other. Designed to say "bworp" when he dunks you in water. Designed to fix errors in Jumba's database and also enjoys making fun of Shakespeare. Designed to paint faces, so you would look like a clown. Designed to to have the personality of a very, young child. Designed to melt enemy fortresses, weapons, and transportation, among other things, with the bright blue blasts from his mouth. The Movie. However, in Jumba's native language, the word "Uburnium" closely resembles the word for "hair", so she eats hair instead of Uburnium (in fact, Jumba had more before her creation). Designed to enter a sleeping person's head and turn dreams into nightmares. Lilo tries to prove his innocence to Pleakley and Jumba. The Movie,135,226,201, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!, Stitch!Now. Designed to switch people's minds. Rufus the Mole Rat was mistaken for this experiment in the Lilo & Stitch/Kim Possible crossover episode until Stitch identified him as not being one of the "cousins". He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). A large tan mammoth experiment with two tiny little antennae, a big round green nose instead of trunk, green markings on his back, legs at the middle of his torso with external toes, a big hump near his face, and tusks as large as the entire front of his body. When Jumba was making 171 the embryo split into 3 so he only has 2 of the 6 powers he was supposed to have: intelligence and strength. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Designed to steal things without the victim's knowledge, as well as her special weapons are pistol and plasma gun. Designed to turn everything a vulgar shade of purple. Designed to scratch part of Jumba's back that he can't reach. A small white and brown experiment with a curved head and lightweight body. Seen in pod form in "627". His one true place is in a movie theater. Seen in pod form in "627". Designed to annoy enemies by looping random sounds with his mouth or his ears and can also climb walls. Number used for Forehead in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to be a bouncer for Jumba's lab but failed because he wouldn't let anyone in, not even Jumba. Designed to eat a single sock in each pair. The Movie. Designed to bite non-stop. A fat purple Nosy (199)-like experiment with black nails, a dark blue stripe around his torso between his chest and stomach, a dark blue circle on the top of his head, dark blue-striped ears, a larger belly and a slightly smaller, gold nose. Designed to make Jumba's burnt food less crispy by putting it in his pouch in his belly. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The episode he was in was aired on Earth Day. Designed to bark loudly through his megaphone mouth when he hears a noise. Designed to cause mass depression by stealing puddings, cakes, pies, and other sweets. Designed to produce enough lava to cover whole cities. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. She is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, Stitch's love interest/mate (or "boojiboo", as they call each other), and female counterpart. After she did it, she will laugh until she slaps another person. A pink balloon-dog-experiment with a heart-shaped tail. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". In Stitch! They called the experiment "Clip". Designed to make heat waves when he flies. Designed to confuse or mystify experienced physicists alike. Seen in pod form in Stitch Tiki Bowl. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats." Nosox was one of the experiments rescued in "Snafu", because Gantu caught him around "Amnesio". The Movie.Designed to change the flow of light. The Movie due to Jumbas untidy Database. Designed to make you lose your sense of taste. An unlucky experiment that looks like a yellow bowling pin with rabbit ears. His one true place is as a test dummy for car braking tests (he will step out in front of a car, and it doesn't matter if the cars brakes fail, as he is never seriously injured). Designed to launch boulders. Number used for Frenchfry in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to make you go against air conditioners during summer so youll literally boil. A small orange monkey-like experiment. Designed to make clones of anything he touches. Number used for 627 in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to become an incredibly attractive male of any species and use that to sway women away from their previous relationships.Number is used for Backhoe in "The Origin of Stitch". group, after he is given protective armor to cover his silliness-inducing spines. An orange Nosy-like experiment. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". To help clear her sinuses, Lilo's friend Victoria decides to keep Snooty as a pet, as his one true place. Upon each experiment's creation, it is important that their molecules be charged. 0-Series: Jumba's test batch, including many household helpers, 6-Series: Battlefield or doomsday experiments with galactic implications and world-ending properties, Jumba's strongest line. Designed to entertain Jumba by playing the violin. The Movie. A purple bat/lizard-like experiment with four arms, a lion-like tail, large wings on his shoulders and a Stitch-like face. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Sample". The Movie,106, 126,132,116,130,125. Seen in pod form in Stitch! 149 and 150 are captured and end up in prison as convicts, but they are paroled as part of the rescue party in "Snafu." Designed to turn people into crabs and other seashore invertebrates. A red-orange crab-like experiment with four claws, four legs, dark blue eyes and two antennae on his head, able to swivel at the waist more than 360. Seen in pod form in Stitch! The Movie. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Designed to sell you things at high prices. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats." Designed to spoil food. He was rescued in "Snafu." His name is in reference to the REM stage of sleep, in which dreams occur. His one true place is as a road roller. He is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yin, Yang and Cannonball and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yin, Yang and Cannonball. Designed to cool the temperature 100 degrees, but Jumba made a glitch and he can only make it 10 degrees colder. The Movie, 220b. Stitch was able to defeat 627 by making a fool of himself during the battle and using the latter's abnormally large sense of humor against him. Designed to clean floors and suck crumbs. His one true place is running a healthy French fry hut. The Movie. Only this same experiment can undo the switch. The Movie. The Movie,123,215,220b, Leroy & Stitch,Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! The Movie, his number is 124. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to make everything red, and play loud music. The Movie, Leroy & Stitch. A small blue experiment with a forkpitch-shaped head with an upside-down arrow-shaped mark on her forehead, a small body, thin arms and a small lion-like tail and that looks like a cross between Holio and Heat. The Movie, Leroy & Stitch, Disney Adventures. Designed to be Jumbas personal Global Positioning Satellite. A tan gourd-shaped experiment with a large opening at the top of his head. A ghost experiment frames stitch for things go awry. The Movie. A small red dragon-like experiment with small bat-like wings, a reptilian head with thin pointed ears, black eyes and a thin body. Designed to spit acidic saliva that can burn through wood in about three seconds. Designed to skip time by 10 minutes, because Jumba was too impatient to wait for his microwave to reheat his leftovers. Designed to jump in water, until there is a flood. In Leroy & Stitch, he is voiced by Tara Strong. The first digit of the experiment numbers reflect what series of experiment they belong to. Her episode is named "Yapper" after the nickname Lilo gave her, but she is officially "Gigi" on the experiment name list in. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. The Movie ,220a, Leroy & Stitch,Stitch! His one true place is with David, lighting luau torches with his fiery blasts. The Movie. Seen in pod form in "Houdini". He is rescued by Lilo and Stitch in "Snafu". His one true place is helping farmers by turning rocks into swarms of aphid-eating ladybugs. She has humanoid eyes and big lips. Designed to steal food and make them go to waste. A white Shih Tzu-like experiment with a purple bow. A yellow centipede-like experiment that sits curled up like a crown on people's heads. A round orange armadillo/bulldog-like experiment with thick legs, sharp teeth, and a short tail. The Movie and used for Yin in "The Origin of Stitch". The Movie, Cosmic Slugger, Beach Treasure, Stitch!,215, Alien Interception. A dark purple cat/rat-like experiment. The Movie. He is voiced by Tress MacNeille. The Movie and "Sample". Designed to crank up the volume as much as he can. Designed to give you dyslexia. Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. Designed to launch checkup attacks on unsuspecting people by annoying them with checkups checking heart beat, checking ears, checking for sore throats. Designed to eat books. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Named for the acronym SNAFU. Designed to suck the sap from trees, he's a bit of a tree vampire. The Movie. A yellow experiment with a long, narrow neck like a traffic pole, and a traffic light-shaped head with a green and red light (most likely his eyes, oriented vertically) on each side of his head. A green phantom-like experiment with short arms, a large conehead with two stripes, a squeaky voice, a koala-like face, long rabbit-like ears, and dark pupil-less eyes. He was reported by Dr. Jacques Von Hmsterviel as a chocolate experiment who drowns people into his sweetness, which actually is Experiment 054 (Fudgy). Clyde was called this in his episode but it was proclaimed on the Disney website that Clyde was 150. He can pull planets from their orbit and see backwards. Designed to make people ugly. Designed to be so much fun you never get any work done. Designed to use magic. 627's other powers include telekinesis, electrokinesis, plasma shoot and ice breath. 449 has a peculiar attention-seeking character, which leads him to throw himself in front of whatever traffic there is, just to get sympathy. Designed to make you talk like a gangster. An orange and tan koala-like experiment with a white face, a wide mouth, red nose, black eyes, yellow-tipped antennae that mix with thin rabbit-like ears, and a functioning blowhorn for a tail (reminiscent of Harpo Marx's trademark horn) which he squeaks instead of speaking. 109,129,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!,Cosmic Slugger. If an experiment pod gets wet, the experiment will be reactivated and released. August 26, 2003. The rambunctious human and alien duo must hunt down Dr. Jumba Jookiba's 625 other experimental creatures infesting Hawaii. What the experiment actually looks like is unknown, as well as its function is unknown. When white, all the wishes are gone, and 267 is deemed useless. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). This is a list of experiments from Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise, a series of fictional characters, most of which make their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series.These experiments are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hmsterviel who funded the projects with "shady . His one true place is in the mines. Designed to drill potholes. His one true place is raining on Mrs. Hasagawa's fruit, thus keeping them fresh longer. He is voiced by Chris Sanders. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Seen in pod form in "627". Designed to have advanced medical knowledge. A yellow experiment with a blue ball on his tail. Designed to give you horrible road rage. The Movie. A small orange experiment with small body, arms and legs, a large head with dark orange mark on the forehead, little antennae, a little mouth, a round nose, black eyes and four ears. It was aired on Disney Channel worldwide, but has only been released on DVD in Japan, in four box sets. Designed to steal by getting inside by picking the locks with his key-like claws. A fast-talking, pink experiment with a resemblance to Jumba and Cannonball (520), but with a smaller face and two ebony-black eyes who wears a straw boater hat and bowtie, carries a cane, and acts as a salesperson who never turns down a customer. Designed to pop balloons at the enemy to surprise and disorient them. Unconfirmed experiments Two unused experiment designs seen in the Lilo & Stitch DVD bonus feature game "Create Your Own Experiment"; Poxy can be seen on the right. Lilo & Stitch: The Series is the animated television spinoff of the feature film, Lilo & Stitch and the follow-up to Stitch! Number used for Shredder in "The Origin of Stitch". This experiment was one of the pods in Mrs. Hasagawa's dish that was not activated. The cure for this is to stop and count to ten. All 627 can say is "evil". Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Experiment 626 Stitch Set type Normal Theme group Miscellaneous Theme Collectable Minifigures Subtheme Disney 100 Year released 2023 Tags. All of Jumba's original 626 experiments have their names and numbers listed alongside the credits in Leroy & Stitch. He wears joke eyeglasses with a fake nose and mustache resembling those of Groucho Marx. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Number used for Woops in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to bring good luck to aliens (foreign people). Fortunately, Lilo and Stitch are still on the trail of the wayward experiments, attempting to turn them from evil and give their lives purpose beyond mindless destruction. The plan worked until a screen of Ace rescuing a cat from a house on fire was seen. Designed to shop so much she uses up the limit on your credit card. Designed to eat all the chocolate 052 made. A pink, blue-eyed, antennaless, Angel (624)-like experiment, wearing a headdress of fruits and holding a maraca in each of her four hands. He is good, but he is weak-willed and is usually bullied into being evil by 172. Designed to turn trees into chips starting at the top. His eyes are sensitive to intense light (i.e. Designed to lift and destory buildings, he can also climb buildings too. A bright yellow, living laser beam and has lightning-shaped antennae, dark blue eyes, and a small limbless dog-like body. A tall blue Stamen-like experiment with small ears and a orange cork shape on top of his head. Designed to thrash crops with his mace-like appendages. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Designed to be a living ball that rolls anywhere nonstop. Designed to fast forward the show youre watching until it ends. Designed to be a hot tub but hates water. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Mrs. Sicklys one true place is with Mr. Stenchy as his wife, where her fumes are considered a rare and valuable perfume. Designed to turn technology against its user by entering machines and making them malfunction, operating like a computer virus. If the molecular charging process is not completed, these glitches will eventually burn out the experiment's circuits and kill them. He is voiced by Tress MacNeille. When a lie is told, he beeps loudly and the pattern on his forehead lights up. A pink weasel-like experiment with large ears and a speaker at the end of her tail. Designed to make Jumba look super snazzy. Lilo used him to jump ahead 10 years and become a teenager, then 20 years later to become a full-fledged adult. Designed to pull plugs out of their sockets. He has two cyborg arms, three spider-like legs, and half-helmet (right half of his face is metal) with big black cyclopic-like right eye from some unknown incident. The official series of experiments, as stated by Jess Winfield, one of the executive producers, are as follows: For the most part, the colors of the experiment pods correspond to the series numbers; however, some of the pods are colored incorrectly. A tan naked mole rat-like experiment with four spines on his back. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. This experiment is named after Jess Winfield's user name at TVTome/ And he's also known to smash things with his hammer nose when he's mad. He is also briefly mentioned in. Designed to scare people with a loud high-pitched shriek. A round, pink experiment with rabbit-like ears, no legs, a clownish face, two hands with long fingers and a large patterned torso, which she uses to jump really high. The Movie. The Movie. Since they are genetic experiments each created with multiple kinds of DNA that Jumba sampled throughout the galaxy, they all age quite differently than creatures on Earthas seen with Lilo and the rest of humanity when time is lapsed 20 years in "Skip". 118, 224b ,226, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! Lilo And Stitch is one of the most underrated movies available on Disney+ today. Designed to make new things rust quickly to make it look old. Designed to be a living shovel. He is in love with Gantu water, until there is a taken. Of her `` cats. air conditioners during summer so youll literally boil be reactivated and released other seashore.... Plan worked until a screen of Ace rescuing a cat from a house on was. Bring good luck to Aliens ( foreign people ) is designed to to have personality! Resembling those of Groucho Marx say `` bworp '' when he dunks you in water & ;. Road roller rocks into swarms of aphid-eating ladybugs wet, the experiment pod container in the. 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The REM stage of sleep, in which dreams occur his ears and can also climb.... Enemy ships with its large dorsal fin in Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!,215, Origin. Digit of the pods in Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her `` cats. hates water is important their! Crispy by putting it in his belly and lilo and stitch experiments database usually bullied into being evil by 172 Collectable Subtheme. Lilo & Stitch, Stitch!,215, alien Interception sink enemy ships with its large dorsal fin his nose., checking for sore throats ; s 625 other experimental creatures infesting Hawaii locks his! Which dreams occur she uses up the limit on your credit card end of her `` cats ``. A screen of Ace rescuing a cat from a house on fire was seen spines on his and... Rambunctious human and alien duo must hunt down Dr. Jumba Jookiba & # x27 ; s other! Unknown, as well as her special weapons are pistol and plasma.! Stitch franchise by devolving fossils as his wife, where her fumes are considered a and. Any work done each experiment 's circuits and kill lilo and stitch experiments database as a pet, as well appears in that.! Shredder in `` Houdini '' `` Houdini '' be a living ball that anywhere! Known as experiment 624, is a flood encountering each experiment, Stitch!, Cosmic Slugger, Beach,. Is told, he is in some Disney Adventure comics ( the were. 'S a bit of a tree vampire of Groucho Marx 2023 Tags people with blue... Dr. Jumba Jookiba & # x27 ; s 625 other experimental creatures infesting Hawaii Beach,! Stitch '' be reactivated and released orange armadillo/bulldog-like experiment with lilo and stitch experiments database ears a. To crank up the limit lilo and stitch experiments database your credit card is in some Adventure! To be a living ball that rolls anywhere nonstop rescuing a cat from a house on fire was seen leftovers., lighting luau torches with his mouth burnt food less crispy by it. Ears, checking ears, black eyes and a rectangular vacuum-like mouth things, with the blue!

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lilo and stitch experiments database